My Jeep Dog is Growing Up


My Jeep Dog is growing up!!!


yes they do grow up fast

aww… so cute

That dog is the cutest fucking thing ever

OMG HE (she?) IS SO CUTE I WANNA EAT IT!!! :smiley:


:word: x 19823719082371098231902

lol @ the flappy ears.

kind of dog? lab?

black lab and her name is dakota

she is so freaking cute, except when she pees on the floor. I get mad for about a minute, but then I keep loving her.

did you see the simpson’s episode last night? Bart and Lisa were in 3rd grade together, going to Capitol City… and when the teacher was handing out the papers every other name was Dakota… I remember cause I’m a freak, and because my little brother’s name is Dakota, a friend of mine named her kid Dakota (after him) and there are 2 other female Dakota’s I know of walking around…

I’m sick of it now.

Never heard it for a pet though :tup:

advice to you: socialization like crazy organized training, and be consistant. trust me, the sooner you start with these things the better off you’ll be.

She is pretty good with commands. She knows “come here,” “sit,” “inside.” She is about 60% there with “go to your room” (her crate) when it is time for bed.

i miss having a dog :frowning:

me2… both mine died a day apart this year…2 golden retrievers…it sucked bad. a week after my engine blew… lets just say the beginning of my summer was hell.

real cute dog