my kade has P.M.S moodey bitch

Heey dudes I needs a lil help her. The kade way acting up then stopped for a while but now it’s back same shit to. While driving around gingerly or holding a steady speed the engine sporatacly hesitates, hiccups, cuts out for a second then comes back. While it does this the gages remain normal and their’s no sign when it’s gonna happen. Also sometimes the engines bogs down for a minute then comes back and acts normally as if their was nothing at all wrong with it and it will be making crazy power as if a brand new engine peel out kinda power. Oooooooooo also the p.o.s burns oil after ideling @ a stop it blow blue smoke for a sec when accelerating then the stop WTF. I’m just pulling this outta my ass but for the burning oil shit I’m think it might be worn valve guides or something in the head, cause it still makes good power when the bitch isn’t acting up.
Btw I took it to Nissan and the guy was saying it would a waste of money for to check it if it’s not having the problem @ the moment he’s checking it.

could be something to do with your MAF, IAC, Injectors, Oxygen Sensor?..

get Nissan or someone to put it under a computer/diagnosis

how old are your ignition components…?

does this happen during any weather or does the wet help influence this…

change ur coil

actually where would i get those parts that i might need at an afforadable price donth mean to sound like a lowballing ass but still have to pay for school and books

id say o2. try unplugging it and taking it for a spin. see if it continues. if it stops you will know whats up.
btw im no mechanic but when mine went thats how i figured out the problem.

sick gonna try that

dude change ur coil and thank me later

yea its probly ignition, check your cap/roter, plugs, wires ect, and make sure the timing is set properly, i had the same problem my rotor was toast, not even any contact left, try that out anyway hopefully you get it fixed

lol yaa i think i’m just gonna do i tune up it probably needs it BAD and that’s probably the root of the problem. Just wondering aside from getting the usual pugs, cap, rotor and wires what other crap, what else do i need; mainly those lil tricks ppl knows bout that make it even better. o and what’s a good brand. yaa yaa i know i honestly hate asking this but how much is this shit gonna cost i’m still a student and finanacially fubar’ed

I had the same problem with my gtr, heres what you can do.
-Clean Maf
-Change fuel filter
-Spark plugs
-Coils<-- doubt it tho
-Fuel pump

Check those if its not one of them i got more for you

Do one thing at a time if your unsure of the problem and wont go to a shop! Sometimes trying numerous things can help and may make the issue unnoticeable then down the road it worsens and similar syntoms come back your going to be like…“wwwwwtf…” Its twice a bitch to have to deal with the same thing again

what colour is the smoke? if its white its coolant, blue for oil, and black for gas(means you are running rich). it sounds like an ignition or sensor problem though. i hate mystery problems like this. gl


try the cam angle sensor

you guys are just killing me telling the OP to just start throwing parts at the car before even checking the computer for codes.

While it does sound like an ignition related problem there are things you can do without just throwing parts at it, while plugs, wires, cap and rotor are cheap you can start by pulling the plugs and have a look at them, same with cap and rotor look for carbon tracing in the cap and see how much of the rotor are left also.

if you are really stumped you can pm me and i’ll try to help you the best i can

im telling you its ur coil

because ive had the same problem on my old ka

where can i get these parts keeping in mine i’m in school and have basically no money to work with btw i’ve change the plugs and fuel filter and cleaned the maf,

try to find someone who can lend you the parts to test to see what the problem is if you find it then store your car save your gas money and then fix the car. Im a student to im sure most of us are, trust me theres always ways to pay for the car.