well today is my offial last day working for Public Affairs
i start my new job on monday! full time govt benfits and all kinda of cheese!
ill be marketing manger for the 911th airlift wing air force reserve!
expect one sweet ass airshow this year from us this year
its nice start my new job on monday and get to go to vegas on my first bussiness trip!
Sweeeeeeeeeet I
airshows !!! maybee ill be able to watch the show from inside this year instead of on top the roof
that sounds awesome dude. Nothing like traveling around on someone elses buck. With the new scrilla I cant wait to see what you do with that F-bod.
ha f-boday will get worked on but not my highest pirority
a turck/suv will be then maybe a
cool. now let me go see the big hype about damiens grave is :blue:
shit spang, congrats
u can go anytime u want i just drove past it 10 min ago
new number and DSN number also