wish me luck!!!

today the day i will find out if i loose my new full time govt job due to BRAC
base clouser list!

good luck…hope you keep ur job man!!!

yeah I heard about that on the news this morning.

:frowning: good luck spangs


[QUOTE=Rustang JIM]http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/4356663.bmp


good luck spang :smiley:

good luck spangs

Best of luck but the GOP gotta cut costs somehow to fight that war on the other side of the planet and our home defense network has to be the best place to start! /sarcasm

should be any min now

thanks guys


eek, that doesnt sound too good!

spang whats goin on

good luck

yeah i heard about it on the radio on the way in… doesn’t sound good

hope everything works out

Yeah I;m watching the news…I guess they are cutting his base :frowning:

well we are on the list we have a fighting chance we beat it once in 1995

anyone know of any marketin/graphic design jobs hahah!

i think we have 2.5 years before its actually goes down

it just sucks it took me 5 years of busting my ass to get a full time job and this november i finnally got my wish

and now its down the shitter

well look at the bright side. you have a turbo ls1

and a yukon to live out of!

i think we still have a real good fighting chance

the air show in july will really help us out

we made an impact of 94 million dollars to the city of pittsburgh this year.

and to a city that is bankrupt that is a major loss if they loose that money

and especially since usair left.

tha airport and the chamber allready phoned congress and said it would be a major lost to the moon area and pennsylvania if are based is close

we beat it once we will beat it again!

hell if OJ can get out of it, The base can too !

Let them close it. And spend my tax Dollars else where… and for kelly in oakdale it should of been closed last time around!!!