My life in Buffalo...coming to a close...

Hi all,
For those on here that know me well, you’ll know this is a pretty big deal for me. I always thought I’d be a lifer here in Buffalo, but my fiance’ (soon to be wife) has accepted a residency position at Albert Einstein Montefiore in NYC. It’s a terrific oppurtunity, and we’re both very excited. She will be leaving Buffalo in about 2 months, and I will follow at a later date, TBD. We’ll likely settle in the Westchester area, as that’s where her family is as well. Right now, I’m trying to work out the details with my company, to see if relocation is an option. In any event, I’ll likely be in Buffalo for the duration of 2011, but prob. not much beyond that. All that is up in the air at the moment. Either way, I’ll be back and forth a lot, so if you’re a close friend here, we’ll obviously be in touch. That being said, for those I’ve met here along the way over the last 10 years, it’s been great. Well, most of you at least. There are def. a bunch of cuntrags around here, but you know who you are. See you this summer.
Keep it on the blacktop,

well damn, Joe…that’s a bit of a surprise. We’ll have to go karting or something before long.

Good luck with it all though!

Congrats on the extra monies :tup: Sucks that you have to pick up and start over though.

Good luck Joe :tup:

:tup: Good Luck with everything Joe

You shithead :tup:

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!

Good for you, and good luck

Good luck man!

Congrats Joe, i’m sure you won’t regret it. Keeping the house here as a rental?

no offense, but “Buffalo Life” isn’t a big door to close.

if i were to relocate, NYC would be the last place id go. :frowning: The job offer must be a pretty good one to compensate for cost of living and what not. ive always enjoyed visiting NYC for the most part, however when i was staying there commuting back and forth i wanted to kill myself.

Thanks all, appreciate the comments.

Jason, Onyx, we’ll def. be in touch soon…

Josh, I hear what your saying as far as the size of the door, but it is a little daunting. I really like it here. I will most definately be keeping my house, will likely never sell it. Afterall, I’ll need a place to store my cars, until a more permanent setting is arranged…

John, I don’t have anything yet as far as a job offer. That’s why I’ll be staying back for a while. It’s my fiance’s job that is taking us there. And while I agree with most reasons NOT to live in NYC, we won’t actually be in the city. In fact the Westchester area is more along the lines of Williamsville/Clarence here in WNY, than what you’d normally think of in NYC…

You should commute… Guys here come in from Rochester every day… Man up.

Good luck man. No way I’d uproot and stay in this state though.

Congrats and good luck, Joe.
We will have to get some cruisin in this spring and summer.

Congrats mangggg

lol at a long, well put goodbye followed with “bunch of cuntrags”

gl joe!

I wouldn’t do it any other way, Jam…

Mark, we’ll def. get some good drives in, for sure man…

Let’s get our cars done so we can enjoy the Summer before you leave…:tup:

Best of luck, Joe :tup:

Selling the Lotus?