So I got this old rascal scooter last year and wanted to getting it running again, instead of buying batteries I decided to throw a little gas engine instead. Well I got around to it today and here is what I did so far, I found a old mountain bike and took the front assembly off to use on the cart, it worked good only problem was the tube for the neck was a little to long so I had to chop it down.
I will also be using the bike shifter for the throttle, it works great I just need a cable for it. I also need the clutch for the engine, how do I measure the shaft, do I just use a tape measure to do it?
Only thing to do after that is cut the slot out for the chain and bolt the engine down. I also cant decide what seat to leave on there, the little one looks cooler but the big one is way more comfortable. I will add some foot pegs that extend out so im not hitting the engine.
front tire shield so you don’t get sprayed with rocks and small road debris.
For the seat i’d say find an old banana girls bike seat. Or just come up with one completely by yourself and make it a bit safer? You could make anything really.
I do agree with originalsin about the disk brake conversion. Or come up with some kind of rear brake system as well.
It is very back heavy with a person on it. If the engine has any torque with the centrifugal clutch on it it might be able to pop it up. If you look at the one pic with the little seat on it you can stand on the rear axle and pull up and it will do wheelies all day.