my morning


Holy fuck I can’t belive I missed this, I’m currnetly at Hampton Beach in New Hampshire, fucking epic! LOLING SO HARD

Family hates me right now :rofl:rofl:rofl

Is that where Hampton beach is? Thanks for clarifying. :stuck_out_tongue:


vengeance sucks too

Everyone sucks.

errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr body

Shift 518 has your back. We aint afraid of a pretty boy ‘tuner’ and some juiced up guinea with a haircut that looks like Sonic the Hedgehog’s ass

I thought t$$$ would’ve been getting his ass pounded in prison for him and his boy trying to rape some chick in toga… Or atleast that’s a pretty big rumor on the bar scene.

ohhhhhhhhh man , wasnt rape i hear . he and another tagg teamed the wife of a club owner . needless to say from what i hear not good either way

Yea just heard she wasn’t willing or really concius…

oh my

oh boy.

Yea we can make this shit nice and real…

please do mr yetti, please do.


I like

You like rape?

I like where this thread is going.


so would ya say tony redlined it out of there after the fact ???/