My new ballin car

So I see you all guys buying 180zx and 300sx and such, so i made my own perfomance battle machine for drifting, i heard that there is a team in a lead of… shhhh dont tell anyone… typhoon guy… nobody has ever met him, but i hear he has a pimping ka.

here is my battle machine. You cant see very well but in order to go faster through corners i put vents on my front doors…

its also a ‘USDM oi’ so its much safer on the roads and civic guys be haitin me…

I knew that was you comrade

p.s. spotted 144ave and 60str

white boi driving it like its a 600sl

it made my evening


thats one mean looking machine

Bah you have now turned into the typical sentra driver

I remember seeing that on 780 a while back… Still not really doing it for me.

Looks like an STi wannabe

Did you hit him for me?

dear god that is so nasty. honestly why? why why why, how much money is in that car you think stricly cosmetic.

i just threw up a little bit :sad

Hoooo-reee, what a hideous car, suuuupa sentra. :finga:

ya but guys think about all the downforce he generates with all those wings and vents. I mean those go way beyond cosmetic. That looks like a purpose built time attack machine.

seen the same topic on 780tuners , weak sauce.

Andrei triple posted that shit to 780, necc, and driftwest. LOL

You whore! :tongue:

On behalf of all Sentra drivers I personally apologize for that “car”…

Andrei triple posted that shit to 780, necc, and driftwest. LOL

You whore! :tongue:[/quote]

Not whore all the way, just 3/5 i could have posted on GTRC and Beyond(which gets lots of media attention with that RSX hit-n-run)

I gotta check that thread again. I wonder what ever happened.

i wonder if you can still open the back doors :rolleyes: that thing is uuuuglyyyyyy :lol:

I am doing that to my skyline :finga: modling hood vents in my doors putting scoops on the roof… and going to have a spoiler on top of a spoiler… gonna be hot shit son!!!