For a while I’ve been debating back and forth about getting a motorcycle but finally gave in to temptation and got one. It was just delivered today, a 2008 Buell lightning XB12Scg, cherry bomb red. Enjoy
For a while I’ve been debating back and forth about getting a motorcycle but finally gave in to temptation and got one. It was just delivered today, a 2008 Buell lightning XB12Scg, cherry bomb red. Enjoy
thats a little different. cool :tup:
red wheels are gay…
nice bike, not one for naked streetfighter look but that’s not bad at all…
Love the bike, just need to get rid of the rear tail.
pics from front?
thats sweet. different.
Thats BA.
How does the power feel compared to an R6 or R1?
Looks great, congrats…
def. different
i like it.
I never knew they designed their brakes like that either. that’s a pretty neat concept.
nice bike. those are fun, gobs of torque.
very pimp bike :tup: congrats
that’s nice
very cool and congrats
Thats BA.
How does the power feel compared to an R6 or R1?
I’ve never riden either of those, this is actually my first bike and the one i’ve wanted for years. 103hp and 83-84tq, 395lbs. It’s very torquey, easy to lift up the front.
here’s a pic from the front, sorry its dark:
very cool, I looked at and rode many buells before going with my v-rod. awesome bikes just a bit small for my fatass.
i love these bikes for some reason… :tup:
I really like that bike, damn