my new bumper


its only the Bumper Support he is trying to show, that he is gonna run is what i think he was trying to say

That pic is way too small

needs an intercooler attached to it


Hope the first part of OP’s sig is sarcasm or a joke as well.

Did you ever get that firehawk running…is this car gonna be like that thing…never run???

intercoolers are for people who cant make a car go fast NA. I perfer cubes over power adders.

Almost its been sitting in my garage. Im atually glad I never did anything because now I have a clean firehawk.

Sweet tow bar. the mazda gonna pull it around?


u got a mazda?

fast is fast no matter how you get there. 4,6,8 cylinder. all motor, spray turbo, supercharger all gets the same end results of having most fun with it.

if you have a CLEAN firecawk why would put the bumper on? isn’t it worth more stock.original?

no not really na is fast, and its firehawk not firecawk. I own the car so I can put whatever I want on it even if thats putting a pink stripe on it.

No not really, na is sometimes fast, and its fire-it-was-a-joke (but I’m sure you know jeff and you realize that), I dont own the car so do what you want, but clearly you posted up for criticism so drink a couple beers before you go apeshit quik JR

i guess today is just a bad day. go find some good lsx parts for me or something.

NA is sweet if all you ever want to do is go 12s and take 5 years to build it. You and slomaro can be NA brothers!

What was the fastest NA car you built? Then again what have you ever built? You must think this is another forum. This is a forum for fast cars not garage cars. Check out steelcitystangs they will probably agree with your mind numbing concepts.

huh ya duh do u know me huh no and huh Im sorry quik I huh dah am entitled to my opinion alright duh? By the way sorry I dont drink.

i will donate panther pink for the stripes so that way everyone knows you are a fag

good to see night school is really helping with your english. Just think you might very well become a police man one day! that way you can rape little boys and play tommy tough nuts and be accepted by your peers.

Well there buddy who do u think put the top end together on the blazer, and who do u think tune it? Last time I checked a 10.3o@130mph on a stock bottom end NA is pretty damn impressive to me. So I would have to say I have built, driven and drove something faster then ull ever own.:bigok:

Sorry I choose to throw boxes it pays a hell alot more the being a pig.:slight_smile:

Im sorry whens the last time u slept next to a female that u didnt have to rent?:kekegay:

yawn… there are 4 cylinders that go faster then that. Just think if you would have just thrown a turbo on that stock block you could have gone faster and drove it everyday.

Please show me what u built and made fast on ur own?