my new car build

Really I dont want to see them.

thats fine paul… im joking anyways. not joking about the setup that shall come for summer tho

whatever dude ,i have my car and its in great shape ,i almost feel bad for molesting it

yeah, it is in good shape. keep it that way. and fix those lil cob jobs. the intake… the opti-seal, and the other minor lil shit. should run good on a good size hit.

So trade it to me and Ill leave it alone and you can molest/rape/gangbang/whatever the Mustang.

fuck a ford… and why would he want a smaller motor than he already has?

no like i said mine runs and runs well ,ill trade ya the 88 for it …the mustang would make a nice car for the old lady

It doesnt have a motor so he can drop in anything he wants.

smaller??? really:ninja

5.0 = smaller than 5.7 john… and im sure its smaller than that 383 sittin somewhere special…

I dont want a Camaro. I cant grow a good enough mullet.

No motor so he can throw in a 351, 460 or whatever else he would want to

that was the old motor in the stang…:ninja .and i dont know what ya talkin bout 383 what:lol

ahhh still no motor yet ha paul hahahahahaha gotta love e/bay :Idiots

Still gonna be a bit before the new motor is here. New build date is next week. I talked to the company today.

:retardclap:retardclap:retardclaplet me know how that works out:rofl

First it was connecting rods on backorder for 4 weeks (issue when I called last time).

This time the owner got killed and the other builder is on disability but coming back tomorrow

i <3 I6 motors with boost and a 5/6spd…

illl belive that when me shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbert:thumbup

Thats the story I got today. I didnt ask how he got killed.