My New Computer

Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4 Ghz
2GB mem
20x SATA dvd/cd burner
80GB IDE HD (for windows applications only)
320GB IDE HD (for everything else)
Gigabyte MOBO
650W PSU
Radi-Max Dirk-Tooth computer case
Nvidia 256mb BFG 8600 GTS OC

my first computer i have ever built from the ground up… im scared to turn it on for the fear of me hooking something up wrong

Pretty hard to hook it up wrong, things only plug into what they are supose to.

unless you forced something.

i know; im 99% positive everything is fine but still…

If anythign is wrong when you turn it out the mobo will give you a beep code.

no beeps, your good to go.

Looks good. I would have gotten the 8800GT though, best card for the money right now. Blows everything out of the water. Gigabyte make good boards. Turn it on already!

Damn that’s nice. I just got a new pc too, but nothing like that, just for work at home crap.

How much would you say you put into that if you don’t mind me asking???..

i got 1 beep but apparently that means it booted successfully

eveything i just ordered (Processor,Case,HD,CD drive,mem) was just under $600 with shipping. but i already had the 650W PSU and the 3d card so probably around 800-900 total

I’m jealous

a new computer is on my “to do” list

ok now what i dont under stand is i have the new HD set at the master HD and my old one as the slave but it boots up windows which is still installed on the old HD. now i would think that windows would not start since its on the slave

It boots from whichever one is setup as a boot drive, your old one is the primary from your old computer.

You can switch designations but then you have to either mirror your slave over to the new drive or use the new one as the slave.

Keep your fire extinguisher handy. LOL

pics turned on

so basically reformatting the old HD would be easier?

also i notice that my optical mouse stays on even when the computer is turned off??

ok so how do mirror the slave to the new drive?

its a shame you are using IDE

i already had the IDE HD other wise i would have used SATA

its well past the point where you should sell off your IDE’s and buy SATA

Seriously… IDE??? What a shame

check out your bios for harddrive settings

i dont use anything that requires super fast data transfer. maybe at a later date i will upgrade but im not really concerned right now