My New Computer

looks sharp man!! enjoy it.

Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4 Ghz …Good
2GB mem …Good
20x SATA dvd/cd burner …Good
80GB IDE HD (for windows applications only) …Bad
320GB IDE HD (for everything else) …Bad
Gigabyte MOBO …Good
650W PSU …Good,i see antec.
Radi-Max Dirk-Tooth computer case …Good
Nvidia 256mb BFG 8600 GTS OC …FAIL

Not too bad of a build though.

I would’ve gone with this if I was feeling cheap…

Not a bad setup for the price; I did one similar for my Father for that price range.

Wish the one I built for myself was that cheap…

very nice :tup:

now go into the bios and change the FSB to 333 with a multiplier of 9 and set the memory up accordingly within spec (voltage to auto)

enjoy :tspry:

BTW, you should sell the 8600 and buy my 8800GT :smiley: Why bottle neck it?

lol its not a hardcore gaming PC

and are you saying change the FSB over voltage to 333?

it gives the chouice of .1, .2 or .3V

Change the front side bus from the stock 266 to 333 and set the memory mode (assuming your using 800mhz ddr2) to 333/800 (5:6 asynchronous I believe).

as for voltage, is there an auto setting? I’d leave it at that (or adjust it to a TOTAL of around 1.33v… stock is like 1.25 or close to it).

Only if you feel comfortable doing so, I should say. You’ll see a noticeable difference from 2.4ghz to 3.0ghz on the quads. This is pretty mild though and shouldn’t have any problems, even with the stock cooler

edit: just make sure you know how to reset the bios (jumper on the pcb probably) in case it doesn’t POST

Yea, but watch your CPU temps with that stock cooler… If you want to really clock it, you’re going to need a better cooler (I’m running a Turiq on mine)

what kind of OC are you running?

I was at 3.2, but since backed it down to 3.0. Figured the extra 200mhz wasn’t worth the risk (prime 95 didn’t crash it, but the temps were getting near the mid 70’s @ 3.2ghz at 1.3xv on an aftermarket cooler)

think I need a better mobo where everything isn’t so close together (or better case fans)

I got mine stable at 3.0GHz for a while, but was having issues with figuring out the Memory OC it wasn’t staying stable worth squat; (It’s my first wandering into OC’ing. Any hints for settings would be helpful; Q6600 G0 stepping; 1066mhz ram; Asus P5K Deluxe MOBO; HUGE Turiq 120mm cooler)

have full specs of your memory on hand?

edit: and what was the machine doing? freezing/crashing? bsod?

I’ll dig it all out and PM you tonight when i get home; it was crashing/freezing on Boot-up.

eww IDE

how can you tell if you have GO stepping or not

that shows you how to tell.

it’ll say “SLCAR” on the top of the chip

edit: or if you already have it up and running, run “CPU-Z” and it’ll tell you all that info

its also on the box but yay i got lucky and newegg sent me one with go stepping

good deal :tup:

They sent me one too back in December.

just got my SCLAR few days ago from teh egg

raptor or nothing at all.