My New Haircut

i searched, couldn’t find this posted before…its hilarious.

Skanks … lol

where in jersey was that shot


you tell me, you’ve probably been there.

just watched it again - god thats great

i love being from LI…growing up with dudes like that everywhere is just constant hilarity.

not now chief!!! im in the fuckin zone!!!

jaeger bombs are delicious

edit: use of the word “broskie” rocks lol

i loved the look he gave that guy when he walked in front of the camera


Lmao I can think of plenty of people like this around here.


I guess I may be a fag as I don’t see power bars or muscle milk as gay.

i can name like at least 10-20 people i went to high school with that STILL look like that with that stupid fuckin hair cut

bump for missing the concept that this thread is about a racial subgroup and has nothing to do with the fact that you favor those particular products



Yeah, I fuckin’ grunt when I get my swell on at the gym. That’s because everyone should see how fuckin’ jacked and tan I am.


not now chief, i’m in the fucking zone

i laugh at that part everytime.

thats just a priceless line