My new money converter.

That’s right, this converts money into noise and smoke like a HOSS.

YESSS X-a billion! hurry up and put that into somthing

love it

wait till you see the truck :slight_smile:

going to pick it up next weekend

Badass… How many liters is that thing?

hahaha This title had me tripping for a second

yesss! ill post my vidz in a few minutes

y u no run WOT?

You are special. Kid.

So sick, I think this is one of my new favorite motors

This needs to be in my s10 meow!

212 cu-in.

soooo not that many. lol

so this isnt going into the green truck you bought yesterday?

nah i traded that one for this new one. LOL Going to get it / swap this coming saturday. Hopefully it works out, because the new shit is a HOSS.

why is this cool

new truck is fuckin SWEET.

If this goes through I’m buying myself a fucking crown.

Then you can get that elf from roller derby!

Quick guide to Detroit Diesel nomenclature:
First number is the number of cylinders. If it’s just a number (4, 6, etc), its an inline. If its a number followed by a V (6V, 8V, 12V, etc), its a v-whatever.

Two digits after that are the displacement in cubic inches per cylinder (53, 71, etc)

The T on the end means turbo if I’m not mistaken.

so 4-53T (the engine in question) would be an inline-4 with 53 cu in per cylinder, for 212 cu in, with a turbo hanging off the side.

For anyone wondering what makes detroit diesels cool, its the fact that they are two-strokes. 2000rpm sounds like 4000rpm. As far as I know, there are better choices for making power, but they sound awesome.

I’m a ricer who likes diesel engines.

Most are better for anything, But detroits have an unmistakable sound that a man can fall in love with.