my new quad :tup:


about as much fun as you can have with your pants on…

:tup: that is pretty badass, lol…they should try to put the engine more centered so it isn’t as heavy up front

Understeer of the year award. Handles like crap. What is that annoying whistle at let-off? :tdown: Back to the drawing board!

that thing has to be pretty dam scary when you get on it

from what i can tell the guy had it up to at least 120mph, not bad for a quad

i think thats in kmh since he was always on the left side of the road, so hes only doing like 70.

ahh yea that didn’t click lol

looks very slow

Annoying turbo sound and appears to have rather slow acceleration

needs to be mounted in the middle… motor is causing handling problems left and right.


Lol, I’d imagine that should be pretty… unstable to say the least. :o