my new race style idea.

ok digs suck and rolls suck. nobody can ever do both. so ive come up with a solution.stop racing. actually wait that doesnt sound like i want it to. brake racing? i dunno… all i know is ive decided that whoever can go from 130-0 faster wins. brakes and slowing down quick is mad l33t, its going to be all the rage. mark my words “fast and the furious: Buffalo brake sessions” will be in theatres in a few years.

post 2 and 4.




i know 05orangess and beck talked about goin from 100-0-100

I prefer motorcycle slow races. Can’t put your feet down. Last one to cross the finish line wins.

bad idea. people will get carried away brakes will be slammed and locked cars will spin and even flip and cause accidents

that would be awesome.


or people normall racing form a rool or dig wil shift a gear dump the clutch break em loose slide the ass end out and brakes will be slammed and locked cars will spin and even flip and cause accidents

im an idiot and i double post.

because no one’s ever been hurt accelerating before.

i really like 5th gear pulls… 25-60. :slight_smile:

safe, within most speed limits(to a degree)… and oddly entertaining. quik spool for life.

haha that would be good

I’d love to see NA Civics doing a 5th gear 10-60 pull.

that shit would take all night!

dx tranny with super long gears + 81 hp = I don’t think I could even do 10-60 in 5th unless it was downhill

Braking contests, 5th gear roll-on’s, now you guys are getting creative! How about racing around a curve? Or a series of curves? Hey, you could set up a series of curves that ultimately forms a closed loop and time how quickly someone could get from the beginning back to the beginning!

sounds pretty fucking lame to me.

dirty you make me lol

Actually i was thinking of something like this one day when i accidentally got on the thruway going the wrong way and had to get off just to get back on - race on the entrance and exit ramps, not too many police can patrol them and you also probably wont go too much over the speed limit anyways, its like autocross without cones :stuck_out_tongue: