My New tC Demon Eyes

lookin real good :tup:

Looks awesome!

Nice those are Hot Im deff a fan of the TC’s

Nice Kakeroni!

Shit looks blinding

I like

No engine swap necessary, they hold boost well…

Time for pistons, rods, and 50psi…

Looks good…

pimp :tup:

:tup: looks great. i always liked how those looked but they are a bit expensive for something that dont do anything (ricer :P). i gotta save the loot for a quaife lsd and a clutch.

saw you going into joobeee, tried giving an airplane rev, but you didnt hear :frowning:

Nice! Finally go them done :tup:


P.S. LOL @ the Akvile’s “Box” comments. :lol:

Wow, what did you start drinking early today :stuck_out_tongue:

I dont like many asthetic mods, but i like the way this looks, I think it would look good if they were red on a black car…evil eyes :headbang:

:tup: DIY

aww, sorry didnt hear ya…had my music up.

X…come on now…dont you know how to spell my name correctly by now? :stuck_out_tongue:
its one “L” not two …lol.

One of the 4 went out on me last night…started flickering…wtf.grR .:frowning:
tried it again this morning…nothin.
hope it can be fixed…i dont wanna drive around with 3/4 of my eyes. :tdown:

GOOD JOB…i know u liek the Blueness

looks very nice :tup:

check the wiring, doubt its the bulb

i checked it…looks perfectly fine…everything is in place and where it should be.
this blows.
i dont want to pay again for a set of 4…hope i can find just the 1 i need. grR. :frowning:

even so you still should have heard it…


Those look very good. Even though its lacking a BMW roundel, I still like them.