My new toy!!!!

no actually it wasn’t brian thanks though!

haha thats funny


get a hardtop, fggt

edit: if those rims from the blazer next to your truck fit you should totalllllly put them on lol

hahaha that blazer was totaled and in the scrap yard sorry ericc :frowning:

krylon fusion on the flares, thats what all the jeepers who keep them do, or just take them right off and get tube fenders for the front.

welcome to the jeep world.

Fuck yeah, Man shit…Driven by a girl. WERIRD.


i think sansone painted my talon with this lol

Nice, enjoy it. Is it going to stay stock or are you going to "play"with it?

I’m going to play with it a little but nothing huge lol



is that why it felt like sand paper lol

yes lol, most durable paint job evarrr

she doesnt like tube fenders ive been trying to guide her in her jeep ways

oooo hot lava! nice jeep man. I’ve always wanted one.

Nice wrangler.

I’d own one if everyone and their mom didn’t think they were worth their weight in rusty gold.

Not the first time I heard THAT one…


yeah, too bad i got it fo free!!! lol :slight_smile:

---------- Post added at 09:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:53 PM ----------

ehh tube fenders are meh…i like regular fender flares…sorry billy

just don’t get bushwackers… Well the fender flares that is. don’t waste your money on a lift kit, you can gather the parts for next to nothing and you will flex out just as well.