My other soft spot : the 4AGE

12:1 Weisecos bored .040 over on a 4AGE Toyota Motor
5 angle valve job
Toda Cams
Toda Camshafts
Weber Side Drafts tuned for 170hp
DSG oil pan
Toda Cam gears
Toda valve springs…

New everything, pumps, gaskets, hot tanked (of course)
Group A replica (for LHD) headers

Mmmmmmmm :headbang:

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thats pretty hot. only 170hp though??

side draft carbs and exhaust wraps + exposed cam gears = nice! good looking mill.

why does he mention toda cams and toda camshafts? cam sprockets?

Only 4 valves per cylinder?

ummmm…how many is it supposed to have :gotme:

  1. i belive one of them have 5 i forgot which one tough.

Not the 4AGE.

16v 1.6L

Why not :smiley:

thats alot of money to put into a 170hp motor, when a k20a would have been just as good stock… have to see a dyno and compare area/torqure curves…

These motors came out way before K anything. . . I think these were out from early eighties to the late 90’s with peaking out at 170ps (167hp?) For 1.6L its nice, but peaky. Of course a K is better with continuously variating doohickies :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah, i dig that, for a purist, or possibly for specific race series, i guess that justifies a buildup of this motor, but it seems like a waste to build up antiquated technology… but, that’s just me. I don’t have the classic car blood in me…

put it in the panda!

whos motor and whats it going in?

Such a fantastic motor there. Man, I miss the old first gens…

Whos motor, whats it going in

i miss my old car :frowning:

if i can find another one around pref 89s/c i am buying it.