My palm pre (sprint) review


The Pre can connect to your WiFi. There’s your data connection.

IMO, Blackberry’s don’t look that great.

As far as the Pre having sharp edges? WTF? That thing literally feels like a stone from a river bed that’s been smoothed over from decades and decades of water running over it.

Expect an iPhone 3Gs review from me sometime in the near future =)

i hate the fact that sprint wont let me upgrade to the palm pre or any new type smartphone because of my sero plan. they want me to upgrade my plan to their new bullshit “everything” plan which is what i pretty much have now. oh yeah, it would be more than 2x the cost I pay now.

9 “good” 11 “bad”

ha, iPhone FTW

Those 11 “bad” will be fixed with a few updates. Dude, it’s electronics. No electronics, not even the iPhone, is perfect upon release. EVER.


was still better than the pre on its release :rofl

Oh and vlad let me know id love to do a review with you

I’d rather have features that don’t work well and require an update than features that don’t exist (like some of the crap other phones had that the iPhone didn’t). The iPhone finally caught up in some regards (the features dont’ come to mind right now but I think some of them were like LED flash for the camera, keyboard?)

Please stop, my first post said it all and was completely unbiased (because I am unbiased) Its apparent that you ‘would’ love this phone but that doesn’t mean everyone else would (put up with its problems)

Side note on battery life, my phone lasted less than 8 hours today with only 1 hour of actual use.

We’re discussing the Pre and Pre vs others. Why would I stop? It’s a discussion…

great review. no idea what i want for my next phone, but i’ll be happy with my $45 LG Voyager for at least another year.

I’ve been using the iPhone actiely since 7 am, still have about 25% left. :ponder

Vlad I’m goign to write up a review here in a little bit…

You can wright one then we shall compare?

Your welcome to come over but I have my daughter :lol

that BLOWS. i use my normal battery all day, with several hours of use. and i have the extended battery if i ever feel the need to use it.( Samsung BJ1)

i havent used a PRE(obviously) but ive used the Palm centro, hated it, dont like Curves much, HTC suck, iPhone is nice when you get it figured out and learn to type on it, i like my Samsung(and cosseys new one) but the web broswer kind of sucks on it, and the display is small.

I just got back from the sprint store where I intended on yelling at them for sucky service/product… I’ll be updating the first post with my impressions of the information they told me.

i realized sprint sucked 7 years ago. then i joined AT&T/cingular/AT&T

Nokia E71. ftw.

It looks sexy as hell, and the OS is killer. Otherwise, Blackberry > *. I’ve got a Curve and the E71, cant decide which to use !

I love my Curve, I have had/played with many different phones over the years and this one just fits me the best. I was always opposed to them until I actually used one - but it has just the right amount of functionality, there aren’t a million different useless apps cluttering it, the keyboard/trackball are super user friendly as far as I’m concerned, my battery lasts for days on end, the screen is just the right size… Yup, It’s love. :slight_smile:

really? i didn’t think smartphones had wifi?!?!? :number1

Verizon ones don’t.


That’s what I read.

I’m getting mine tomorrow or Saturday. Wednesday at the latest. I can confirm that when I actually get it, since if that is possible, I WILL be using it with my WiFi.