My pimpin new winter car....

ahah nice.

id like to get 323 gtx awd.
now thats a fun car

Nice had one in highschool for a period of all of two weeks. Center of gravity is a killer on that but was sure fun to drive around on two wheels…lol


I had one two it was mint i managed to do a burnout on those 12’s lol

It sat on a chicken farm for who knows how long, just got back inside after cleaning it for 3.5 hours. Mmmm, melted candy canes stuck in the plastic e-brake cover were a real treat… Cant wait for some 2-wheeled turns…

you must be one of those people with their minds in a box, fearing to venture outside of the box. My fiancee has a 03 Rio and it doesn’t owe us a dime, and its getting up to the 175,000 km mark. I trust it more than my much more advanced and expensive impreza.