My review "Invasion"

I ordered Invasion on Timewarner last night.

It looked like a zombie/alien movie from the preview.

IT SUCKED SO MUCH DICK. that is all I can say.

If you want to waste $4.95 rent this movie.

It starts off with a onboard camera in a cop car…and stays in the view the ENTIRE movie all 68 minutes of it.
It shows a few people biting each other and that is it.
I fast forwarded it a few times because there are parts were it just shows driving down a road.

SOmeone should waste the 5 dollars and watch it so they can agree with me

Call TW and tell em the picture was all shitty etc, get yer dough back

Hmm, didn’t look like it was all dashcam from the trailer:


what you wanted to watch (2007):

what you did watch (2005):

i’ve never heard of this movie, but that trailer looks pretty good. it’s essentially “invasion of the body snatchers”

Bahaha, Ya i recall the Kidman version just coming out too, Looks to me like you got the classic “pwned”!

No, I wanted to see the alien one… it looked cool on the previews…but it really sucked hardcore

Pm’d for reimbursement :wink: