My skiing accident 3 weeks ago: Video Inside

+1, snowboarding requires actual skill :thumbup

are you serious? :banghead
have you ever done either?

been skiing since i was able to stand on the damn sticks

I just like to mix it up…hahahaha
Snowboarding > skiing

ROFL. NOOB, thats a little jump too! Nice attemt though.

You didnt happen to see a kid straight running it at the stupid ass “log stalling spine setup thing” they have in the “park” last weekend? He was bombing it and going like 15 feet+ straight up and over the logs throwing retarded but funny ass old skool tricks over it?

I may or may not know who he is :ninja

I will keep an eye out for yah there… PM me when you head up next time and ill buy you a beer and get nutty on the slopes with ya.

sounds like nerve damage:shifty

haahh damn dood. Give you props for going through with it .

Little video of my buddy back in highschool.
His commentary was “yo that was kick ass”.
Bruised ribs - maybe some sprain-age idr.

Make sure you have audio up

hahhahahahhahahhhhahah i watched that like 6 times

OP you look pretty sketch lol

wheres your poles at btw flaily man?

I haven’t used poles for close to 5 years now. The only time I use poles if I plan on going somewhere with an open glade trail. Most of my time is spent on the terrain park and I have integrated a lot of snowboard moves into my jump routines. The poles just get in the way.

But as we all know, you can’t land them all haha. That whole jump was over for me before it started.

ROFL, your an over sized Snow-ler-blader arnt you.

ps, any and all grabs on skiis can be done with poles still in hand.

Even the “rusty trombone” grab I do sometimes for lulz. its a big ol spread eagle with a reach under and cup the bawls, usually throw that bitch with a slow 180 in the faces of a-holes sitting on the decks of jumps, or on the half pipe as people walk up the deck! hahah

You’re doing it wrong

Jump routines you say?

:rofl sounds like gymnastics