My skiing accident 3 weeks ago: Video Inside

Hey guys. I know I mentioned to some of you about this 3 weeks ago.

Back story: Basically, I went skiing to Gore. This was the last run of a flawless day, doing some good tricks.This was my first attempt at the table top and as you will see it did not go as planned.

I landed on my right shoulder and was in and out for a good 3 minutes. The first week I was on pain meds every day, it is 3 weeks later and still very painful. Thought I would share as now I find it highly ammusing. Anyone, feel free to edit it as you please.

ooof looks like a professional fall there

damn dude that even sounded painful. were you wearing a helmet? any head injuries?
hope you start feeling better…

Haha actually that pic looks pretty good if you didn’t know the ending haha

Thanks. No, no head injuries and no helmet either. All day I was landing narly 360’s but this was the first time I hit the table top side of the jump. As you can see, not NEARLY enough speed.


That looks painful. Shoulder injuries are fucking horrible. The littlest thing can cause a flare up and you’re in pain for days, even years down the road. I fucked up the tendons in my rotator cuff a few years ago and i still have flare ups where im in crazy amounts of pain

no steeze

hey, you got the rotation down

Ouch. glad you’re okay though

That looks moderately painful.

Yea I have been taking it easy on the shoulder. The other day I was putting my shirt on in the morning and I must have turned just right and it shot so much pain down my arm that it went completely numb for about 10 minutes.

Thanks for sharing… this is life! Cool

Props for attempts at greatness and for posting results anyway.

Looks like it hurt. next time don’t carve as much before the hit.

Adam, next time, helmet cam? :smiley:

damn dude you cased the shit out of that jump.
if you had more speed, you would have been landed that 3 fine and not had to deal with this :lol

anyways, hope your feeling better, and get back out there soon :thumbup

I see what your problem was…it was these:
You should have been snowboarding…LOLOL