Don’t be a puss, leave it as is.
haha, srsly?
I like the front, but the back just doesn’t look right
and yet no one has named a car that an aftermarket suspension will not help out??
Putting together a good aftermarket suspension setup will help most cars out.
You cannot just say that “slamming” a car is always good. There is a lot more to the equation than ride height.
what suspension do you have theblue?
DDM coils IIRC.
I know this is tough to understand but here are some very basic info for you. (like 2nd thing found on google for suspension geometry)
If you prefer books I’m sure I could go dig through my shelf and recommend some of those for you. Slammed does not mean it handles well.
not low enough, need more lip and more stretch…
Jesus, I am becoming a eurowhore
Very nice. Soo much better
That thing is on the ground! I <3 it.
Friggen awesome, but it would be a pain in the ass to drive in B-lo.
What set up did you go with?
Looks awesome, but would def be a pain in the ass for a DD.
I raised the front 1.25 and put the stock back springs in. I like the front now, but need to lower the back about 1".
these are the FK coilovers (front), and shortened strut + spring in back. I also replace the control arms and bushings.
are those 19s?
e46 fronts?
these are 18x8 and 18x9 CSL replicas.
I dont have a problem
show me where i said slammed??? just show one post where i said that, i said aftermarket suspension/springs
more stretch than this?