my son on his dirtbike

I finally remembered the camera when we went riding. He is doing pretty good, this was his first time on a trail and his first time jumping. He started riding around last Christmas and only really started to get into it last month or so.
The first vid is on a nice muddy hill that he almost went down on, but saved it.
[ame=“”]YouTube - Ian XR50R trails[/ame]

The 2nd vid is his first ever jump.

[ame=“”]YouTube - Ian XR50R jump[/ame]

The AW was strong with those vids…looks like he’s enjoying himself!

Nice! Start em young! I still remember my 1st jump… after my 1st jump, I knew never to stay sitting down on the seat when going off of one :rofl:

I didn’t wreck, but I smashed my balls sooo hard :slight_smile: Good times!

Sweet… How old is he?

he is 6 years old right now. My 5 year old rides it but is not comfortable enough on it to ride it in the woods yet.

The shitty thing is, is that I can’t teach him anything. I have ridden a couple of times, but I am pretty clueless about it. My neighbor will watch him in the front street and instruct a little, but he pretty much figures it all out on his own.

Awesome. This reminds me of my dad starting me out riding. I’m meaning to start again, just no cash. Damn do I miss it.

Thats awsome. what a cuttie! Hes doing really well.


sometimes its best when u learn things on your own. My dad knew how to work on mine, i figured out how to ride it. XR’s are the shit


haha. That’s awesome.

You’re in for it, dad. hahaha. The bikes only get bigger and more expensive. (Coming from a 30 year old “kid” on a dirt bike)

Thats awesome!!

looks like that little 50 can move pretty good

You say the same thing about minivans & guys on mountain bikes



i see the next rc coming out of him already

he are some more pics and a couple of vids. my brother is the one doing the little hillclimb.