6 year old professional stunt rider

:wow:wow:wow That’s pretty crazy…


thats awesome!

crazyyy kid got skills tho

thats fucking nuts… sooo badass

Agreed. It’s cool that the kid can do the stunts but wtf is wrong with the parents for letting him.

+1, No fucking way would I let my kid even attempt that shit.

he will be making bank when he gets older if he keeps going


screw that, dont think negative, this could be a great future for the kid. Its good to see a kid that good at that age and i hope he keeps going and can make a living out of it…props to the fam for getting him started in this at a young age

Do you have kids?? I’m all for kids riding dirt bikes and the like, but to support them doing large jumps on it is crazy. This kid could be riding down a perfectly straight trail and run into a tree off to the side… Its all fun and games till someone loses an eye :slight_smile:

Tell me again," asked the judge, “why you parked there?” The driver rose and answered respectfully, “Because, Your Honor, it said ‘Fine for Parking’” pay some money for doing something wrong. No money no way in real life,no gold no way in game!