Anyone else find this to be ridiculous?

It’s one thing to break the law in your lane doing wheelies and running from the cops … it’s another to force cars in the other lane off the road because you feel you own it.

As a biker, I’m disgusted. I’ve been contemplating selling my R6 and not ride on the street because with me riding a sport bike, people lump me in with the assholes who do this.

My uncle lost a leg due to being a retard on a motorcycle. Too bad that’s what it had to come to.

That is all.

This is inexcusable.

those local douche bags are at it again.

If I had my pickup I wouldnt have moved over.

dangerous as shit, but looked fun as hell ! cannot get over how effortlessly those things accelerate.

and hitting one of them would ruin your life ten fold…

Don’t get me wrong. Stunting is awesome. Wheelies are awesome. I suck at them, maybe can hold one for 10 seconds when my bike was geared differently, but even those 10 seconds … the rush I got [everytime] was indescribable. Always wanted a stunt bike, but it was always 2nd on the list so I never got one. I can only imagine the rush you get by riding one for minutes.

My issue is not with the wheelies … it’s the blatant disrespect and endangerment of other riders by purposely “owning” the entire road.

I’m not one to wish injury on anyone… but what they did was taking others lives into their hands. There could’ve been babies in those vehicles, and even the best stunters fall sometime.

you don’t have to tell me man,I have two kids under 3 years old and would kill someone if anything happened to either of them. luckily from what I could see in the video, other drivers had plenty of time to clear the road and get it if the way as soon as they saw the swarm. does it make it right? absolutely not, but I know I got an adrenalin rush watching that. haha

The whole group can not be blamed for 10-15 idiots.

Just watched this video last night and said exactly the same thing.

Jon Matala. Smart dude to post a video of the illegal shit they were doing. This is what gives bikers bad names. 518 shouldn’t even of let this happen. So much disrespect here shown for the street. Lucky no one gets killed on these rides.

Can someone embed the video? Link doesn’t work from my phone.

I’m not blaming the whole group. I saw you in the video, in the correct lane. I would make you out to be smarter than the other re-re’s.

I know a lot of bikers are smarter then the few, but, those ~dozen idiots just gave all of you a bad name. As I said, run from the cops all you want. Do sweet wheelies, you know I love watching them … but it should be your (stunters) life in jeopardy, not others.

On a side note, this is why I never have, and never will partake in any large group ride. I ride with friends, I ride with people I know, I ride with people I trust. I steer clear of that shit.

hate to admit it in here but I’ve been on quite a few of those street rides. They are pretty fun to take over the streets, lots of guys who are not used to riding in large groups, you really gotta watch all around you at all times. there are a bunch of people who ride like idiots in these groups for sure

I agree completely.

This is what gives ANY motorcycle rider a bad rap. I am very cautious around motorcycles, but not everyone is. You need to respect the rules of the road and consider the consequesnces. If you don’t think you can handle putting your friends and family through some shit then reconsider your actions. The last thing I, or anyone else, would want is to be responsible for is killing/injuring someone.

Lol these section 518 guys and their “group rides” are hilariously retarded. Complete disregard for anything or anyone but themselves.


LATHAM, N.Y. – Eight motorcyclists have been arrested on a number of criminal charges and a total of 173 traffic tickets connected to a street stunt ride through two counties.

New York State Police say that on July 27, 2013, about 100 motorcyclists gathered on a posted private property in Queensbury to hold a stunt show. During the event, the group, named “Section 518” rode through Glens Falls and into Saratoga County. Authorities say the motorcyclists were driving recklessly during the illegal stunt show.

State Police received a number of phone calls about motorists being run off the road and witnesses reckless driving by “Section 518.” Witnesses told authorities that the motorcyclists were driving into oncoming traffic, drove on sidewalks and passed other motorists on the shoulders. The group is also accused of speeding, running through red lights, forcing other vehicles off the road, and performing stunts on highways.

A large number of Troopers were sent to the scene along with a State Police helicopter. The large group of motorcyclists were apprehended in the Town of Wilton. While on the scene, authorities issued a number of tickets and motorcycles were towed.

Following a 2 month long investigation, 8 men were recently arrested. New York State Police said they used law enforcement and witness accounts and videos from motorcyclists and law enforcement were analyzed.

The following is a list of the 8 men arrested, they are all facing misdemeanors or traffic and vehicle violations unless otherwise noted.

Jared Wells, 23: 3rd Degree Unlawful Fleeing a Police Officer in a Motor Vehicle, Trespass, and a number of vehicle and traffic offenses.
Nicholas Ciccone, 24: 2nd Degree Reckless Endangerment and Trespass.
Michael Lawlor, 26: 3rd Degree Unlawful Fleeing a Police Officer in a Motor Vehicle, 2nd Degree Reckless Endangerment, Trespass, Reckless Driving, and a number of vehicle and traffic offenses.
Wade Landry, 29: 2nd Degree Reckless Endangerment, Trespass, 2 counts Reckless Driving, and a number of vehicle and traffic offenses.
Matthew Motian, 26: 2nd Degree Reckless Endangerment, Disorderly Conduct, trespass, 4 counts Reckless Driving, and 20 vehicle and traffic offenses.
Gerald Dessuraeu, 25: 2 counts 2nd Degree Reckless Endangerment, 3rd Degree Unlawful Fleeing a Police Officer in a Motor Vehicle, Trespass, Disorderly Conduct, 2 counts Reckless Driving, and a number of vehicle and traffic offenses.
Charles Pace, 25: Felony Vehicular Assault, Resisting Arrested, Reckless Driving, and a number of vehicle and traffic offenses.
Jonathan Matala, 21, 2nd Degree Reckless Endangerment, 3rd Degree Unlawful Fleeing a Police Officer in a Motor Vehicle, Trespass, Reckless Driving, and a number of vehicle and traffic offenses.


Yep this is why I support what they do! Because now there will be a few nice bikes to buy for cheap for lawyer fees :slight_smile: