My street drifting video

Not the real thing of course…The games called “Grip” its a really fun and intense game

Anyone else have any cool clips of gameplay?

I play this for the ps3 all the time. did you unlock the s15 yet? its pretty bad ass dev

^^^I merked the whole game on extreme finishing every race with gold in 4 days with drivers assist controls all still on(abs/tc) and i left the helmet view only option off…i found it too difficult to see up ahead. I still like the AE86 for drifting…i got the multiplier up to 28x in that video. Not the most realistic simulator type game but it was damn fun! Lots of unreal trading paint!

Noobs lol, Add me to Xbox live if you have it GT: EiGhTyNiNe240sX I got my multiplier up to 70x online. Got The acheivement to proove it. I find the RX-7 Realy easy to use.

if someone wants to play add my name (PS3)


forget Grid, someone play me in COD4… psn same as user.

I’m actually downloading GRID on my computer through Steam, It looks crazy. What’s the customization like on this game?

There is no modding the cars in this game, you just progress and earn money to buy faster cars for different classes.

straight up a sick game … lol soarer ftw

Ah okay, so can you change the colour at least?

gt3 drifting ftw. :bowdown:
nothing will ever beat it or come close to it.

Lets run som COD4 dude

i added you, the name’s Blank__

You guys using steering wheels for the game or controllers? I found GRID hard to play with my wheel compared to Forza2