My surgery pics

Finally found em lol. Notice the nice metal wire in the upper left pic lol.

i dont know what im looking at.

i dont either …


sexual reassignment ?

the fuck?


i think it was shoulder related


ROFL, best post ever.

LMFAO. They had to put screws and wires in my left shoulder. those are where they had to sew up the torn cartilage and sew the joint back together to stabalize it so it would stop dislocating at the drop of a dime. Also the reason why right now it hurts every time I inhale…fucking PT…but the whiskey I just chugged a few mins ago seems to be helping lol.

glad you all got a kick out of that :slight_smile:

yeah I’m sitting in my living room doing shots of whiskey lol. not the healthiest thing…but my arm is hurting so fucking bad I’m in tears here. I broke my thumb in 3 places and dislocated it and put the broken bone back in the socket and it didn’t hurt as bad as my arm does right now. Call me a pussy or w/e. I could really care less. Because I know this is more pain than most of you have ever had to deal with.

/semi drunken rant

so he has a penis now?

someone had to

In the first 48 hours after surgery do not drink alcohol as it dilates the blood vessels, and could result in increasing postoperative bleeding. The combination of alcohol and pain pills can be dangerous.


hahaha i had to… btw… alcohol and pills and alcohol after surgery = bad… as stated above… TRUTH…

take the pain pills you were given and take something to keep the swelling down…

he had this surgery a long while ago, like back in the summer time…:gotme:

looks like a painful time though :tdown: