ACL Reconstruction Surgery... Less than 24 hrs from now...

Welp… after many years of suffering and pain, I’m finally getting my ACL Fixed. Surgery is tomorrow at Noon.

Getting the Petallar graft; plus a bunch of other work done (General Debrivement, Bursa Debrivement, Meniscis cleanup (& Possible tear repair).

I know a few of you have had this done before, what’s the rehab like for this?

My last knee surgery (Meniscis repair where it was sewn back together) the rehab SUCKED!

My MCL is messed up, I know the pain dude :frowning: good luck with it, a few buddies who polevaulted with me in HS had the surgery, I guess the rehab is brutal cuz you’re effectively unable to use your leg for a few months, but the overall process is worth it because no more pain.

Good luck with that… I had surgery on both my knees a few years ago, they removed some tissue but the pain sometimes kicks back in and my leg stiffens when the weather gets shitty out.

Good luck man. Cheers to a speedy recovery. Beer should help.

Good luck! In the long run you’ll be glad you went through the surgery.

You will very quickly grow to despise crutches, but in the long run, as others have said, it’s for the best.

To a speedy recovery

I had something ectremely similair to this done senior year of high school. I was layed up in bed for about 2-3 weeks, and on crutches for about another 1 1/2 - 2 months before I could even think of walking. After about 3-4 months of rehab, I found out that the meniscus re-tore and i had to go in for another surgery where they just cut out 70% of the medial meniscus, however recovery for that was easy. i was back walking after about a week, week and a half. Be prepared for some tough PT, I lost about 35-40cm in leg diameter from all the muscle lost from being on crutches and not using my leg for that couple of months. Good luck and I wish you the best! I hope you have a speedy recovery!

BTW, Dr. Buran did my surgeries as well. Very good surgeon!

Best of luck!

I dislocated (4th severe dislocation that required a visit to the ER to reduce) my shoulder on Friday. Have an appointment with a shoulder specialist next Tuesday. Odds are I’ll be going under the knife in the near future as well. Really not looking forward to that. It’s a long and painful recovery process , just like an ACL operation.

Rehab is definitely not a piece of cake but well worth it. Afer your surgery make sure you get one of those cooling units instead of using ice packs. Way better and it really keeps the swelling down. Good luck !

Having Dr. Buran again? I have a feeling this is in my future because my knee that doesn’t have a meniscus aches more and more every time i stand up on it for a long time, or it goes from hot to cold out.

Almost a year after my surgery for tearing my shit up (July 10th) and I am still not back to 100%… Plus it fucking kills when the weather changes

Dr Buran is doing my surgery again. He’s the only Orthopedic Surgeon I trust.

I’m getting one of the cooler units this time, I asked for it, and Vince (Dr Buran’s PA) said they give them out for ACL Surgeries. That’ll be a TON easier than the ice crap I had to do the last time.

I got some new pain meds too… Nucynta. Supposed to be more powerful than Hydro’s seeing those don’t work much anymore.

My knees hurt constantly… so any relief and strength gained after surgery will be a blessing. I’ve been living w/o an ACL for probably 10 years now; or at least that’s when Buran thinks I did the original tear from when he was in that knee 2 years ago. I’ve got arthritis in both knees, pretty bad.

---------- Post added at 07:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:18 PM ----------

Who are you going to see? I know Buran does shoulders. One of my ex’s had like 5 shoulder surgeries done on her shoulder by him due to cheerleading crap. She’s the one who introduced me to him.

---------- Post added at 07:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:20 PM ----------

Who are you going to see? I know Buran does shoulders. One of my ex’s had like 5 shoulder surgeries done on her shoulder by him due to cheerleading crap. She’s the one who introduced me to him.

Good luck man, sounds shitty.

UGH that dbl posting crap suuuuucks. I hate reading the same thing over and over when I don’t realize it’ a dbl post.

Going to a specialist up here in Vermont at the Vermont Orthopaedic Clinic. Dr. Boynton. He’s been a physician for the US Ski & Snowboard team since 1998 and he specializes in knee and shoulder arthroscopic surgery. Gotten a few recommendations on him already saying that he does good work.

Bigair - Sweet… oh… and I’m a dumbass for not noticing you were in VT, not Buffalo. Good luck! My shoulders are good thank-god! knocks on wood

:tup: to getting it resolved. :tdown: to the months long recovery. Good luck on a speedy recovery!

How’d it go?

You’ll have plenty of computer forum time in the near future, that’s for sure.

Plenty of time to beat his dick like it owes him money. In between vicodin induced naps of course.

I had my knee scoped 3 times in high school to pull out chunks of cartilege. That had no recovery time because the shit doesn’t grow back and it still sucked. Can’t imagine having real work done on a knee. I hope all went well.

Haha, pain level really seems to be dependent on the individual and how the surgery went as well. Seems that some people escape without too much pain, while some others get the book thrown at them.

I’m going to be returning to conservative mountain biking real soon. If I am losing 4-6 months of physical activity when I go under the knife, I might as well get back to doing what I love for the time being. Appointment #1 is Tuesday. I’d expect an MRI will be scheduled. I definitely have a Hill-Sachs Lesion, which is a bone deformity that occurs when the humerus makes contact with the scapula during dislocation. Mine is damaged in a way that causes my humerus to get hung up and reduction becomes more difficult. Odds are high of a torn labrum, which is what is leading to my recurrent dislocations. The big question is if I have any bone deficiency in my scapula from either trauma or genetic bone structure.

Well… I made it through.

Surgery itself went perfectly; Doc said it couldn’t have gone better. I did have issues in Recovery though. My BP wouldn’t come up and stabilize. Took about 4 hours after surgery to get my BP up and stable so I could go home. I think it was caused from a different anesthesia combined with the fact I had nothing to eat/drink since 11pm the night before. and I didn’t go under the knife till 1:30 in the afternoon.

Pain isn’t that bad; in fact my throat hurts more than my knee does. I’ve had a cryo-cuff pumping cold water around my knee since I woke up from surgery. I’ve taken 2 pain pills, one last night and one this am. They gave me a brand new pain med called Nucynta instead of Tabs seeing I have a tolerance to Tabs.