ACL knee injury

hey guys…so i tore my acl, mcl and medial meniscus last week @ soccer…going in for surgery next wed…any of you on here have acl surgery? if so who did you go to, how did it go, how long did it take before you could work again and all that kinda shit…just wondering what to expect

being in my sport, i’ve been around A LOT of people who have torn their acl’s.
Expect a good 6 full months until you can participate in any sports.

Ligaments SUCK when you injure them!

edit: how much did it hurt? I STRETCHED my acl and it swelled up and hurt like a biotch.

Full recovery 6 mo to a year. You should be doing OK in 3 mo with rehab.
Who is your doc and where are you going for rehab?

Yup; had surgery once on each knee; have to have it again to fix the ACL because last time we only did the medial meniscus.

All depends what they repair & what they remove. The ACL injury WILL kick your ass and you’re going to be off your feet for a while. Depending on what kind of work, if you’re on your feet, figure 2-4 months off work. If you’re at a desk job, probably a week.

I had the Meniscus repaired (not cut out like most people; mine was stitched back together) and it took a LONG time to get back to 95%; I’m still not back to 100% and I had surgery in May. I’m also not 100% because I still don’t have an ACL in my Right knee.

Who’s doing the surgery?

ACL and meniscus here…highly recommend Dr. Joseph Buran

That’s my surgeon as well!

don’t go to Stube (spelling)

misread my MRI’s TWICE

he’s supposed to be one of the best?

My sister did the same thing. She was in a leg immobilizer for about a month and it was a good 6 months before she was near 100%.

I just tore mine out snowboarding last saturday.

Getting surgery soon as well.

In for articular and meniscus cartilege. 3 times. At least your shit heals. Fuckers. :mad:

i have gone to see marzo (bills), UB sports medicine, stoekel, and stube…stube did two people i know that turned out great so im going with him

the people i know who had them done were useless for about a week…in rehab starting their second week and walking around like normal with but taking it easy a month later and no demanding physical activity for about 3 months…my one friend actually rode 64 miles of a road bike race a month after surgery…no impact and biking i have heard it great for getting your muscles back and ranger of motion…

all i care about is trying to get back to work within 4-5 weeks and be able to get on a bike even taking it easy in like 5 weeks AND MOST IMPORTANTLY…get my range of motion back so i can bend it enough to get on the motorcycle :slight_smile:

recovery time is based on how hard you rehab

I went 2 times a day when I was in high school so I could make it back in time for lacrosse season. It was 4 1/2 months and I was stronger then ever

In for no meniscus cartilage left.

4 and a half till you could play? how long till you felt it was strong enough to do normal day to day activities without pushing it for sports?

soccer rapes knees :frowning:

best of luck with the recovery

Did’t read all of the posts, but a few good friends of mine did tear their ACLs.

REHAB REHAB REHAB, I can’t stress that enough, and don’t give up on it if you get pissed off from it.

Use narcotics very very sparingly. I’ve seem too many people get addicted to the painkillers and such from injuries.

Most likely you shouldn’t participate in any sports or such from 6months to a year, unless your doctor tells you otherwise.

Another thing, just because you can or will be able to walk straight, doesn’t mean that everything is fine.

tore my left one sparring two years ago. Just found out it was ACL a couple of weeks ago. No surgery yet.

so if you dont heal i get the bike for the summer? woohoo. i tore my acl you dumb dumb, give me a call.

so this is for you guys who have had it done…had the surgery wed and now its sunday…still cant put much weight on it…def cant walk without crutches and it pretty much hurts all the time unless im on hydrocodone. It way worse in the morning and it seems like after i to my range of motion exercises like 15 min later it stiffens up again

all this sound familiar or does any of this sound out of the ordinary to you?

All perfectly normal… expect at least a week, probably closer to 2 like that before it starts to feel better.

I also suggest a “stool” softener and something to make you shit… because poping Hydros constantly will make you constipated like a MOFO!!!