ACL knee injury



Medial meniscius tear here on my right knee and slight tear of MCL on other leg. Have yet to have either fixed because $ is tight and my health ins blows. ACL is the major structural support of your knee. 8 -12 depending on how fast you heal, luck and how hard you can work to rehab.

By cousin had to have his ACL done 3 times. The first 2 didn’t take, for what ever reason his body rejected it both times. The 3rd time was a chard and that was a cadaver ligiment.

i want pics of the grossness

oh yea i have been taking that shit to shit haha
its actually really hard to take a shit when u cant bend one leg and wipe your ass when u can only put weight on one leg lol

Lol! Yea using the shitter without bending a leg is a bitch; and you don’t realize it until you try to sit and are like wtf?!? How do I do this! Lol. Good luck with everything! It just takes time to be able to move and not be in pain. I was pretty much bedridden for like a week.