I didn’t even know it could do that.
I didn’t even know it could do that.
oh shit haha wow
Don’t even see any damage to the blue car.
That’s because he didn’t hit anything :rofl
He totally hit both cars you can here it. Bump. Scrape. release. clearly audible
Nah man you’re just hearing air move and the crack of the lambo’s exhaust. There was no contact.
Welcome to multi-class racing. Just air, no contact. There’s vid of it from the other car.
it made me jump in my seat
Cant you get in trouble for doing that?
No, he didnt do anything wrong. If anything, a steward would ream out the two cars being passed for leaving too much space and being ambiguous with their intentions.
wow that’s a lot less cool
oh wow from his point of view he was perfectly fine. Plenty of room.
yea that was just a perfect setup to tgread the needle hed be a pussy if he didnt
First car passed, I was like okay… then holy.
First video is in a miata lolol. Cool.