my track is ready too...

No fields that you wont get shot on! but right downt he road, half a mile, we cut a decent trail in the woods behind alpin haus. I know the owners so it is cool.

Yeah, don’t want to get shot ripping through someone’s field. Cool to hear you have a to rip behind Alpin Haus. I know people that used to have a trail from Mckay Rd, all the way up to Burger King supposedly. I think they used to ride 3-wheelers back in the day.

The Vascos? (SP?) I know seth, and the trail is somewhat bechind his house. I am right on Mc Donald drive. I can get to the sac lake if i wanted to. Or head from alpin land to hegaman and go from there too. there is a little to ride, but nothing great by any means.

when do you guys ride? im goin saturday to rocky hill mx in ct if anyones down…

I am going to m-ville tomorrow. Hopefully next tue i am going to twister for 20$ practice.

awesome track, thanks again dude :thumbup

mville? whats that? yea i was gunna goto twister… lookin like rain… we went to rocky hill… that place is pretty good some big ass jumps!

a bunch of us went riding in mechanicville, got chased out, went to another place, got shot at :rofl

Yeah dude. It was a good time. I am planting more grass on the infield now, I want to make it look nice for the neighbors! lol.

See the “trail ride thread” from smokinSS… :frowning:

BTW, you have a PM.

Im pretty sure I wont be going back there.

Im not into track riding so Ill just stick to the trails I know and maybe find some new ones without psycho hillbillies shooting at me.