My Trip To Ukraine - August 2009

Yeah…hah. In Soviet Russia…haha.

:lol agreed. thats the one thing i dont miss, is the horrendous roads. but you gotta admit the broads over there are AWESOME! i met a very cute, very kool western ukranian girl this weekend. she speaks good russian too, im very surprised. i can tell shes got the western ukranian accent, but still, very clear russian. she said she learned it herself too. i need to go over there and get myself a wife there.

Why go there when you can order one here :excited

Hmmm… checking flights right now :ninja

They can smell American or Americanized Ukrainian. I had girls lookin at me everywhere I went. I’m sure some of them just wanted a way to get a greencard, but you never know. I know many people who’ve gone back, met someone, did the long distance thing for a while, brought them here, got married, and life went on.

I’m not looking for that, but if it happens, it happens.

Dude, russian girls? OMFG simply AMAZING in the sack, just unreal, trust me on this one.

oh hell yes. thats my plan. im totally wearing all my american clothes and stuff. the guys dress differently there to start with, so i’d stand out in the crowd, but like in a good way. i cant wait to go back home. totally visiting the two schools i used to go to, #71 and 73:tongue

uhhh i dunno about that … my first was a russian and well … its gotten better since then

Maybe you were the one who sucked and not her.


I have a Russian girlfriend :lol but she moved here when she was 10 (CP :ninja)

^^ this man knows what he’s doing.

I came here when I wasn’t even 2. I’m 22 and have been here for 20 years.

I came here at 14, almost 15.

9 years here.

Crazy times I tell ya.

European girls are the best indeed. Better mind set, manners, education, culture and often bodies.

Yep. I agree with Vovka.

You guys are still FOB’s lol. How old are you guys? I assume in your 20’s?

I like the mindset of the european/russian girls. it’s similar to mine. the culture is close as well, then theres also this thing i have for asian girls, thats just outta left field, but i still like em a LOT.

Ilya, im 26. I dont really sound like im FOB though, my dad does :slight_smile:

She doesnt speak much Russian anymore, only some basic words. I want her to learn it again though, I love foreign accents :excited

She would have to do more than just learn it to get the accent back.

You would have to send her our for at least a year.

i dont have an accent. i have to fake it if i want to sound like there is one. somebody at work asked me if i was French Canadian or from far north NY, because my pronounceation is “more precise” as she said, but no accent.

Yeah the accent is long gone, but I just like hearing a different language too.

come hang out with my friends and me sometime. we change out of english into russian and back like 2-3 times in one sentence. it sounds weird as hell to ppl wo dont speak russian.