my TV broke and i have been approved for a new one....

My LCD 32’ TV that is about 2 years old is pretty much broke because the screen gets distorted for a while when i first turn it on. called the warranty company and they sent me to a repair shop and they told me i need a new logic board or something of that sort and that they would contact the warranty company and told me that i will probably get a new tv because the part is expensive.

so i am thinking of good i dont have to deal with this annoying tv much longer. warranty company calls me and says that i have been approved for a new tv and would call me back a few days later with more information. they call back and tell me that they will only give me $350 towards a new one. so i said to them “what? you said i have been approved for a new tv and you are only going to give me $350 for it? that is how much it was to buy the extended warranty!!” I cant even buy the same size type that i have now for that much, what was the point of me getting an extended warranty?

I just cant believe they are just going to give me $350 for it when i paid well over that. never again will i buy an extended warranty, it just makes not sense.


shitty. but this made me lol.

you have a 32’ tv?

where did you buy the tv and ext. warranty? i would not stop harassing them.

I understand your frustration and thats why I don’t buy extended warranties unless I understand them inside and out. They are almost all scams.

A 32 inch LCD has to be pretty damn close to $350 dollars, right?

The $350 might be based on comparative technology. Two years ago a 32" LCD with a say 10,000:1 contrast ratio might have been $700, but you can find one now for about that $350 they are giving you.

that’s pretty shitty man

That is pretty intense, I don’t know what I’d do with a 32’ TV. I have a 19" TV and it works fine.

brand new refurb 32 hi def was 302$ on woot like 2 days ago

so does this mean TV’s arn’t going to last 10 years+ anymore?

refurb cancels out brand new. Basically his existing TV with the board fixed :slight_smile:

TV’s are cheap these days.

refurb usually is a brand new TV with a small issue easily fixed. Didn’t meet a company’s quality control standards and needed to be touched up.

… so he buys a new 32" that is better than his old one and keep 50 bucks in the process. I say he’s making out.

you spent $350 for an extended warranty on a 32" tv? good work.

So you get a new tv for $127.

And that’s without shopping around, just going to newegg and picking the first 32 from the search list.

When my old TV shit the bed my extended warranty gave me an allowance of the original purchase price of the TV. You got hosed.

Don’t be a pussy. Go with the 52".

Wow 32" is so small. What is wrong with you? Don’t you have a job?

jeesh freakin’ hobos on this board with their “extended warranties” and “walmart shopping lists.”

i have a Sony WEGA 27" that I bought in 04 lol. thing weighs like 100 lbs. its a beast. But eh. it works so i cant see spending money on a new one.