The store I worked for had crazy high expectations and you would get written up all the time for not “loading” the sale with prp psp and all the accessories in the world. That part did suck. The middle management treated you like absolute shit no matter how well you did.
The segmentation into “berry” “bb biz” and all the other names was the thing I was talking about. IT SUCKED. I had the chance to work with an employee that was trained in one of the test stores, I believe it was a “Jill” store. The one that was focused on the “soccer mom”. She could sell great to woman but would loose every sale if a man was with the woman. it was absolutely entertaining.
When I worked for them my store manager was a woman that I had worked for at circuit city and followed to best buy. I worked for her for about 5 years between both stores, she was good to me but most hated her. It was the middle management that was the worst.
As for parts I am not talking out handles or hinges or knobs. I mean real parts like electronics and hard parts. Being in a big box store you do not see the repair problems as it is all 3rd party you might see about %15 of the problems in your store from these products. Talk to the local businesses that have to actually to the repair work on the items you sell, I am willing to bet you would be rather surprised.
Yes personal experience will deff shape ones opinion about an employer. I just did not want you to think I was just some jerk off that got fired or something. I was a very productive employee that got the shit end of the stick many times, and I am thankful every day for the absolutely wonderful job I have now.
and again those are some pretty sweet gifts. I wish I could snag some things like that and the events I sometimes attend.
funny part is that if my territory did not just change I would probably be getting to know you pretty well over the next year or so.