Myspace offer!

a trapazoid. i as well know someone making cash off this. actually Market America FTW. thats where the cash is at.

I invested $500 made around $2ooo and said cya so sure it was worth it short term. However all the people that were the first in buffalo to join honestly did and are still making some decent $$. Is it worth it now? No definately not.

Only “pyramid scheme” I Would advise anyone to possibly join would be market america, just got the simple fact anyone smart enough to set up an ebay account can resell the items on there since it gives you access to extremely low prices on alot of items.

give him the number to one of those morman guys that travel around preaching i’m sure they’d love to chat with him.

:edit: dirty I just saw you mentioned market also hah…

I think this is the top half of a pyramid.


wow…sounds like he use to sell Kirbys lol.

so yeah, ACN sucks. But G6’s are better than 1997 accords.

the number you gave me was to some chinese restaurant or something. i dont know if you did it on accident or what. but i’m looking for serious people who want to change their lives, and other peoples lives as well financially.

lmao is you effin realz?

I didn’t even notice this.

The G6 is a horrid POS and I’d gladly take my car with 120k miles than a G6 with 10 miles.

Sadly, my image is at stake here. And having the image of an old lady is better than having the image of white trash.

thats awesome.

You, and, well nobody else, but whatever :tup:

a true pyrimad scheme is where you throw money at something, I.E. get nothing in return pyshically. (look it up on a LEGITMATE government site, not some tools one sided oppinon). You can make searious money through oppertunities like this, but only a special few can actully make it happen because they can be dedacated enough to do stuff. Most people don’t understand what a little time and invest could get them in the long run. :gotme:

atleast this guy as something going for him that hes proud of obviouslly and is enjoying :tup: thats more to say about him than most. And look at most of the people calling it a “pyrimad scheme” they are more time than not broke and going no where :gotme:

just my .02

PS: No I’m not asscoiated with whatever this guy is doing, so don’t ride my nuts

I second G6=suck