Mythbusters - Anyone see something that will stop 6000 page threads?

Wait, what? Did they fuck up the experiment!!! I’ll fucking kill them…

THEY DIDNT SHOW IT… not until jan 30th…

Fry… tell them… the planes gonna fuckin fly… arghhhhh


Wait, what? Did they fuck up the experiment!!! I’ll fucking kill them…


no it wont

god fucking damnit i just got :rubicant:, you guys just really suck at defending your point that the plane would take off.

jet engine >> any conveyor belt or treadmill

I had a fucking dream about this, there is no way that the conveyor belt is going to keep that plane from going down the runway no matter how fast its going. If some how the conveyor belt could keep the plane from moving forward or backward the plane wouldnt be able to take off agreed? no movement forward or backward = no lift. but thats not the case it would be impossible to match the power we’re talking about here. the jet engine will propel the plane down the runway with the wheels spinning like crazy, would it be controlable who knows, but in theory i get fucktard of the day award, sorry folks :bloated:

943kgt = epic fail
The plane creates its own lift = fail
thrusters create the lift directly = fail
Thrusters overcome conveyer belt, wheels spin mad fast yo, plane takes of normally = win

i feel bad, well not really, for everyone that is involved with this shit. Major ownage has happened since the episode finished.

Cliff notes on the show?

APPARENTLY the show sucked and didn’t show shit.


APPARENTLY the show sucked and didn’t show shit.


And we all still had a great time! Thanks LAFENGAS!!! :headbang:

X… :beer2:


god fucking damnit i just got :rubicant:, you guys just really suck at defending your point that the plane would take off.

jet engine >> any conveyor belt or treadmill

I had a fucking dream about this, there is no way that the conveyor belt is going to keep that plane from going down the runway no matter how fast its going. If some how the conveyor belt could keep the plane from moving forward or backward the plane wouldnt be able to take off agreed? no movement forward or backward = no lift. but thats not the case it would be impossible to match the power we’re talking about here. the jet engine will propel the plane down the runway with the wheels spinning like crazy, would it be controlable who knows, but in theory i get fucktard of the day award, sorry folks :bloated:

943kgt = epic fail
The plane creates its own lift = fail
thrusters create the lift directly = fail
Thrusters overcome conveyer belt, wheels spin mad fast yo, plane takes of normally = win




And we all still had a great time! Thanks LAFENGAS!!! :headbang:

X… :beer2:


quoted for truth!

I don’t really understand why anyone is surprised this was the outcome ? lol


And we all still had a great time! Thanks LAFENGAS!!! :headbang:

X… :beer2:


Def. a good time.

It was a good excuse to go out on Wednesday for a couple, thanks for setting it up Lafengas

wrd…thanks josh. It was def a good time to see everyone out.

Thanks Josh for setting last night up. 2 for 1 drinks, Sabres Game, and the dick tease known as mythbusters. Totally out of your control and you took it like a champ. Even a free round of drinks for the group!!

Lafengas = Stand up guy.


It was a good excuse to go out on Wednesday for a couple, thanks for setting it up Lafengas


:tup: good time for sure. :tup: thanks Josh.

Its just soooo funny that we all got together for this and it wasnt on :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:



:tup: good time for sure. :tup: thanks Josh.

Its just soooo funny that we all got together for this and it wasnt on :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:



For realz, even if the show wasn’t on it was a great time, i lol’d a few times and had a few beers. I loved how people were still like “are they gonna show it?” with 5 minutes left in the show!!!

I’ve been contemplating a “Repeat Meet” but…

The best way i can describe the feeling right now…is kinda like right after having sex, you want to do it again, but not so much right away. Wait a little while and you’re right back into it.

Most of you may be having the feeling more like anal sex…sure it was interesting and fun the first time, but you’re not about to go through it again just to be disappointed and put up with all the shit.

That being said:

THANKS TO ALL IN ATTENDANCE. I was suprised to see one of the larger meets NYSpeed has had in the middle of december and with no talk of cars.

I counted 47 people, 41 were members. :tup:

With this, i can only offer some good reading:


I’ve been contemplating a “Repeat Meet” but…

The best way i can describe the feeling right now…is kinda like right after having sex, you want to do it again, but not so much right away. Wait a little while and you’re right back into it.

Most of you may be having the feeling more like anal sex…sure it was interesting and fun the first time, but you’re not about to go through it again just to be disappointed and put up with all the shit.

That being said:

THANKS TO ALL IN ATTENDANCE. I was suprised to see one of the larger meets NYSpeed has had in the middle of december and with no talk of cars.

I counted 47 people, 41 were members. :tup:

With this, i can only offer some good reading:


I just want to give you a big hug (no homo) (ok a lil homo)

There was one thing that was provin though…

Everything you read on the internet is true


The plane wont take off