Mythbusters - Anyone see something that will stop 6000 page threads?

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“Adam? Jamie? Dan? Someone step up and tell us what happened tonight.”

Dear all,

As wbarnhill called out, I thought I should step in to what is rapidly becoming a hornet’s nest. I will try to calm things down but I don’t hold out much hope!

First up, for those concerned that this story has been cancelled, don’t worry, planes on a conveyer belt has been filmed, is spectacular, and will be part of what us Mythbusters refer to as ‘episode 97’. Currently that is due to air on January 30th.

Secondly, for those very aggrieved fans feeling “duped” into watching tonight’s show, I can only apologise. I’m not sure why the listings / internet advertised that tonight’s show contained POCB. I will endeavour to find out an answer but for those conspiracy theorists amongst you, I can assure you that it will have just been an honest mistake. At one point
several months ago, POCB was going to be part of Airplane Hour. Somewhere, someone has mistakenly posted the wrong listing. It will have been a genuine mistake but nonetheless it was a mistake which is unacceptable. As said I will try to find out what went wrong and hope that you will see fit to forgive the team at Discovery.

Thanks in advance,



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I wish herpes on them.

I hope as soon as they unlock it, it will need to be relocked

how do they plan to simulate it…?

i would envision an RC plane with a homade router powered treadmill.

only, i would give the treadmill a more than 2x wheel speed advantage.

measure takeoff wheel speed for plane.
measure/calculate thrust generated at that speed.
ensure treadmill can go 5x that wheelspeed.
fire up treadmill to max with RC plane on it.
apply 20% the measured takeoff thrust.
assuming that 20% compensates for frictional losses.
everyone gets to see the plane creep forward while that mean treadmill
is cheating and making the test unfair.

supposedly they are going to use a smal ultralight plane and construck a runway. im sure they will do a scale model too.


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old news… we knew that last night at 11:30

I doubt they will use a treadmill.
They will probably use a commercial conveyer like a stone slinger or something like that.

if someone can rig up a home brew test giving the belt a clear
advantage and showing that its advantage is irrelevent. it would make
for a poplular vid…


if someone can rig up a home brew test giving the belt a clear
advantage and showing that its advantage is irrelevent. it would make
for a poplular vid…


i thought about it… but gave up for lack of a treadmill

i think where people loose it is when they dont realize that the treadmill is the length of an ordinary runway… and that the speed of the treadmill doesnt effect the plane moving forward along the belt up to its normal required airspeed to lift off the ground…

meaning ie the plane is not stationary in relation to the earth it is moving forward… just the belt under it is moving backwards @ 500mph and the plane is moving fwd @ 300 relative to the stationary ground (random figures)


its been done

Yeah, that pointless video was already posted in the other thread.


god fucking damnit i just got :rubicant:, you guys just really suck at defending your point that the plane would take off.

jet engine >> any conveyor belt or treadmill

I had a fucking dream about this, there is no way that the conveyor belt is going to keep that plane from going down the runway no matter how fast its going. If some how the conveyor belt could keep the plane from moving forward or backward the plane wouldnt be able to take off agreed? no movement forward or backward = no lift. but thats not the case it would be impossible to match the power we’re talking about here. the jet engine will propel the plane down the runway with the wheels spinning like crazy, would it be controlable who knows, but in theory i get fucktard of the day award, sorry folks :bloated:

943kgt = epic fail
The plane creates its own lift = fail
thrusters create the lift directly = fail
Thrusters overcome conveyer belt, wheels spin mad fast yo, plane takes of normally = win


:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: :clap: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: :clap: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: :ham:

one down eleventybazillion to go


Yeah, that pointless video was already posted in the other thread.


its not pointless… its proof of concept… dont really know why you think its pointless

proof of concept yes.
quality, no :smiley:

i would still rather see a treadmill powered by a router…
or table saw…

staying true to the myth and having a quality control/feedback system would
be difficult… but going out of your way to try and prevent the plane from moving would
be much more fun.

the presents of misused powertools is just a bonus.


if someone can rig up a home brew test giving the belt a clear
advantage and showing that its advantage is irrelevent. it would make
for a poplular vid…


I vote Lafengas b/c he has a 10ft. carbon fiber pole that can be used for the rollers, and his proven DIY leetness.

Oh, and b/c of last night. :slight_smile:

no way it take off

WRONG, Its taking off

reminds me of an engineer joke…

There was a physicist and an engineer working on a top-secret time travel project. Suddenly, there was a flash of light and there before them was a very beautiful female life form.

She said to the men, “I have been without companionship for many years, if you can reach me, you can do with me as you wish. However, because of the time field, every time you move towards me you will go only half that distance.”

The engineer then looked at the physicist and noticed he was very sad. “What’s the matter with you? This is the opportunity of a lifetime.”

The physicist replied, “Don’t you see, if I go only half the distance each time, I will never actually get there. It’s a hopeless situation.”

The physicist then asked the engineer, “Why are you smiling?”

The engineer grinned and said, “That’s true, but I’ll be close enough to get the job done.”


no way it take off


shrimp on a treadmill