Mythbusters - Anyone see something that will stop 6000 page threads?

Truth, 47 people having a good time :tup: to Josh.

hows a plane take off when it can’t move foreword? its not a hovercraft?

ugh here we go again…

and y do you say cant it move forward???

Can we take people’s answer and do a perma ban if you they’re wrong?

I, personally, will search through every single post and make a chart of all those who say it will or won’t take off.

Perma / IP ban for everyone wrong.

I am 100% serious.

Prove that it isn’t tainted.

You can’t even see the wheels touching the treadmill thanks to the shitty video quality.

so, what’s the answer?


Not true

until it has been proven.

the only way to make the treadmill interfere with the planes take off would be to
set the incline angle 89.999 degrees… they you will actually get a force to temporarily counteract the thrust.

ehh even then, you are looking at more of a rocket style takeoff

hey… i just thought of a benefit to offset the treadmill development cost…
you could save a huge amount of parking space…

if you run the treadmill in reverse at the 89.999 degree incline, it will CLEARLY prevent the plane from rolling backwards… provide the wheelspeed matching is maintained.

True but it would make the engine have more to overcome.

Why is it that everyone is talking about jets, and thrust and rocket like take offs, when Mythbusters is using an Ultralight?


its the same though, its just safer to use that type of plane. A larger passenger plan would easily kill some people if something goes wrong.

are you fucking retarded? :wink:

Jet engines, Rocket engines, Prop engines are all methods of providing thrust through air acceleration.

The only difference is efficiency and available power. Choosing one over the other doesn’t change the experiment.

people are agueing if the plane is moving forward then the treadmill isnt matching the wheelspeed… or the speed of the plane… ughhhh

wheelspeed… currect… but speed of the plane… sure can… where does it say wheelspin speed?

hmmm lets see did it happen on myth busters … nope not yet at least.

Preview for the show is near the bottom.

They are dragging a tarp on a runway in place of a conveyor? Ghey.

I bet the pilot shits himself when he takes off since he is anti-fly