Mythbusters - Anyone see something that will stop 6000 page threads?

Do the following get temp bans?

01AudiS4, 87conquestTSi, boardjnky4, Coveted Hilton, dmoffitt, Fry, ILCisDEAD, itsJim, JDMSIR, Jon, jrod0187, L8APEX1, matter, Motocrossx23, newman, rdandy5875, SI01, SilverGT, speedracer329, SubaruDan, TurboTSi, zwarbyt, Karu

there is a fucking animate gif already???


you realize i was kidding right?

so i take it the plane took off?

suuuuuuurrreeee… easy to “kid” when you NOW know the answer. :cjerk:

lol. stfu.

this is really the easiest thing…

imagine wearing rollerskates and standing on a treadmill…
you hold one end of a rope anchored to a wall in front of you. Now you pull yourself forward toward the wall. It wont matter how fast that treadmill moves, you will still be able to pull yourself forward. Now apply that to the prop of a plane pulling, or the thrust of a jet pushing.

Mythbusters ftw

:lol: i always argued it would take off, i just like to piss people off :bloated:

DVR’ed it last night. Little dissapointed they went about it so un-scientifically as far as making sure the treadmill and planes speed matched.

I don’t think it’s possible for the treadmill to match the planes speed, the plane will always be able to out accel the treadmill’s speed.

So good job mythbusters. I’ll accept my defeat.

my brother loves that show to

PLANE SPEED… not wheel speed…

Thread merge anyone? No need for two threads so idiots can continue to argue fact.

I see what you did there…

They reworded the question…

“If a plane is traveling at takeoff speed on a conveyor belt, and the belt is matching that speed in the opposite direction, can the plane take off?”

Of course it will take off if that is the question they try to answer.


That takes my perception argument out of it! :rofl: YES crew for that one.

Most of us that voted this way did just to be dicks. I have said from day one, in all of the threads the plane will fly, including threads that have been on NYSpeed longer than you have.

some one sounds skured they might get the ban stick

I am thinking the same thing…

:blah: fucking around or not, the evidence says otherwise. I think Fry should have to temp ban himself.