Mythbusters - Anyone see something that will stop 6000 page threads?



Stop spouting words you heard your 12th grade physics teacher say while you were napping.

In my opinion, your brain is about as valuable as the protein submarine I sent off to sea this morning.


You’ve got to be the dumbest person on this board, I feel some what retarded by reading this post and the rest of your posts here on nyspeed, granted if I met you in person I could probably come to the same conclusion. Eat a dick BTW

why are they even wasting the time with actually having this show? it’s obvious that the plan will take off…

all that’s gonna happen is, the wheels will spin twice as fast as they would on a normal takeoff…anybody with common sense can tell you that…the wheels do not propel the plane forward, jet engine thrust does…and a treadmill will have no effect at all on this…

ugh… :picard:


The “law of physics” have been broken before.


No one else caught this?

In for Monday drama. I had to explain this to an engineer Saturday (what are the odds, right?).

For a basic model, assume wheel bearings are frictionless. As the treadmill moves, the plane sits still. Now turn on the engines of the plane. Plane will take off. /thread


lol at jrod and 99somethingorother


I joined after the thread was started, didn’t know there was a previous eWar on the board! I have an EE degree - don’t have any formal instruction in Aeronautics. All I can do is speculate on what will happen on the show, as well as stare at Kari :spunk:


I joined after the thread was started, didn’t know there was a previous eWar on the board! I have an EE degree - don’t have any formal instruction in Aeronautics. All I can do is speculate on what will happen on the show, as well as stare at Kari :spunk:


i’m a fucking psychology major that’s never in his life taken any physics course ever…or anything close to it…and i can figure this one out…

so, that said…your excuse = failure.

this thread should be exploding. where the hell is day crew?


The plane will not take off. It’s physics people… It’s not a rocket. Flight is generated by lift on the wing.


Ugh :zong:

The ghosts of the nazis that built your car are rolling in their graves.


this thread should be exploding. where the hell is day crew?


They are probably thinking “not another one of these threads” since it is finally going to be semi proven I’m happy but like i said i dont think the plane will fly on the tv show because there are too many factors involved with keeping this perfect. I do howere believe that in a perfect situation the plane will fly.

YO, Kohlrausch’s law says that the plane will crash and burn. Look it up homey. For real though, unless you have a really long treadmill the forward thrust will just nosedive the plane off the edge of the treadmill. The plane won’t just stand there. That would be like a plane being able to land on a treadmill as long as the surface was matched to the airspeed of the plane.


You’ve got to be the dumbest person on this board, I feel some what retarded by reading this post and the rest of your posts here on nyspeed, granted if I met you in person I could probably come to the same conclusion. Eat a dick BTW


Please go ahead and point me to these countless examples of where I have been clearly wrong and have had an equally large amount of shit spewing from my mouth.

Heck, Josh already posted a link to a thread where I spent plenty of time explaining to nimwits like you how your misinterpretation of the “law of physics” was a disgrace to any sort of educational system.

The saddest part about these threads, is that while there may be a troll or two, the vast majority of the population just really is this stupid.

I don’t have time today to read this thread. But are we arguing about whether a stationary plane will take off or not?


this thread should be exploding. where the hell is day crew?


Every post of your’s I’ve read is “LOL” Roflol" Thats just not on this topic/ thread. Do you even have anything to offer Nyspeed besides being a complete sack rider or advertiser?


i’m a fucking psychology major that’s never in his life taken any physics course ever…or anything close to it…and i can figure this one out…

so, that said…your excuse = failure.


LOL…it’s not my place to succeed of fail. I’m not doing the real world test.


That would be like a plane being able to land on a treadmill as long as the surface was matched to the airspeed of the plane.


that’s why it WILL take off.


I don’t have time today to read this thread. But are we arguing about whether a stationary plane will take off or not?




YO, Kohlrausch’s law says that the plane will crash and burn. Look it up homey. For real though, unless you have a really long treadmill the forward thrust will just nosedive the plane off the edge of the treadmill. The plane won’t just stand there. That would be like a plane being able to land on a treadmill as long as the surface was matched to the airspeed of the plane.


If a plane tried to land on a treadmill that matched the speed of the airlplane it would keep going as if it was on the normal pavement. The plane would need to rely on brakes or reverse thrust to stop like any plane that lands.


that’s why it WILL take off.


It could take off if you have a long enough treadmill for the thrust generated by the engines to create lift. the speed of the wheels has nothing to do with it other than if the airspeed of the plane exceeds that rate at which the wheels can turn then they will drag.


If a plane tried to land on a treadmill that matched the speed of the airlplane it would keep going as if it was on the normal pavement. The plane would need to rely on brakes or reverse thrust to stop like any plane that lands.


Most planes do relay heavily on thrust reversers to do a large portion of the slowing. Saves wear and tear, and its free energy (after they’re already installed). :smiley:

I’m going to start calling it a “plain” in an attempt to dumb my posts down far enough for the average NYSpeeder

Did someone make a wetworks joke yet?

edit: post 2. fuck i’m so behind.