Mythbusters - Anyone see something that will stop 6000 page threads?


Yes, I am thinking all the “laws of physics” including Bernoulli’s law point to yes but I’m still not convinced in a real life deminstration/ situation that the plane will take off… so when I said that was my opinion that is what i meant.


that, you are a moran, Bernoulli’s is not the reason a plane flies. (read Damn you Second Law, Leave Mr. Bernoulli alon)


The plane will not take off. It’s physics people… It’s not a rocket. Flight is generated by lift on the wing.


Flight is not generated by lift on the wing, it take a pipercub going 320+ mph to fly just from lift.


I joined after the thread was started, didn’t know there was a previous eWar on the board! I have an EE degree - don’t have any formal instruction in Aeronautics. All I can do is speculate on what will happen on the show, as well as stare at Kari :spunk:


If you are an EE you should understand physics.


YO, Kohlrausch’s law says that the plane will crash and burn. Look it up homey. For real though, unless you have a really long treadmill the forward thrust will just nosedive the plane off the edge of the treadmill. The plane won’t just stand there. That would be like a plane being able to land on a treadmill as long as the surface was matched to the airspeed of the plane.




Every post of your’s I’ve read is “LOL” Roflol" Thats just not on this topic/ thread. Do you even have anything to offer Nyspeed besides being a complete sack rider or advertiser?


Have you read any of your posts in this thread… You are dumb and should probably drive into a wall to see if you can break a law of physic.


LOL…it’s not my place to succeed of fail. I’m not doing the real world test.


wow, so many ways to go with this, I am not sure which way to go


Please go ahead and point me to these countless examples of where I have been clearly wrong and have had an equally large amount of shit spewing from my mouth.



In my opinion, your brain is about as valuable as the protein submarine I sent off to sea this morning.


Done. Anything else? Again I said No to the plane taking off, fuck physics, fuck your opinion, and fuck you.

I said NO plane will not take off, your not going to change my mind with your cheesy diagrams. If the plane doesnt take off then worst case scenario… I’m wrong, it wouldnt be the first time. For you to be a complete douches bag about it baffles my mind. But like you’ve already noted, were not on the same page.


Have you read any of your posts in this thread… You are dumb and should probably drive into a wall to see if you can break a law of physic.



I’m still baffled by people who think it won’t take off…


Have you read any of your posts in this thread… You are dumb and should probably drive into a wall to see if you can break a law of physic.


I just lol’d in the office.


Most planes do relay heavily on thrust reversers to do a large portion of the slowing. Saves wear and tear, and its free energy (after they’re already installed). :smiley:


Which is why a treadmill patching the plans speed on landing would be the same as it landing on a normal surface… Some folks just don’t get it.

seriously, it is a good thing that we just got a popcorn machine here at work.

If you made it through the 10th grade you should know that the plane will take off


So, maybe I’m just misunderstanding the experiment, but…

Wouldn’t the treadmill have little effect on whether the plane moves foward? The air is still stationary, and thats what the plane is pushing against.Wouldn’t matter how fast the treadmill was going.

Or something like that?


I’m still baffled by people who think it won’t take off…


the ONLY explanation i might have for their way of thinking is, they’re under the impression that the pilot will not be turning on the jets…but rather, just strapping the plane in place, and turning on the treadmill? thus getting the wheels up to speed, but having the plane hold still? that’s all i can think of, is that they are under the impression that the jets will not be turned on…



huh how?? a helicopter takes off upwards


Exactly, my point is that the ground(surface/movement) doesn’t matter.


the ONLY explanation i might have for their way of thinking is, they’re under the impression that the pilot will not be turning on the jets…but rather, just strapping the plane in place, and turning on the treadmill? thus getting the wheels up to speed, but having the plane hold still? that’s all i can think of, is that they are under the impression that the jets will not be turned on…


i really think the logic is that since a person running on a treadmill doesn’t move forward, then a plane on a treadmill is also incapable of moving forward…


i really think the logic is that since a person running on a treadmill doesn’t move forward, then a plane on a treadmill is also incapable of moving forward…


i know…i’m just trying to make them all look less dumb by finding alternative explanations for their mentality…

no use polishing a turd i guess…


i really think the logic is that since a person running on a treadmill doesn’t move forward, then a plane on a treadmill is also incapable of moving forward…


Unless you put on jetpacks :slight_smile:

The plane will take off

Mythbusters > .

That’s all I’m adding to this madness :wave:

The plane will crash into the front handrails on the treadmill and blow up causing mass hysteria!

oh the horror, the horror, the horror

on the next mythbusters…do little zombie boys really like turtles?

my prediction: i dont think the plane will take off

my reason: i love drama


It also proves it needs the proper “lift” to take off. Again my “logical” argument


I think you’re joking around just to make this thread hit 5999 pages before the show.