NAACP Finally speaks out regarding Michael Vick.

There a lot to hate about this dogfighting case though, when compared to fighting in nature.

  1. In nature, you don’t electrocute/drown/hang/throw to the ground repeatedly until dead the animals who don’t meet your fighting standards.

  2. In nature, animals generally don’t fight to the death when they are equally matched. A bear eats a salmon, a cheetah eats a gazelle. For the prey, it’s over pretty quickly. Rarely is it large bear vs large bear in a fight to the death, and when one bear loses he isn’t electrocuted by the other woodland creatures.

  3. Though it hasn’t been officially charged in this case, generally dogfighting gets their bait animals (the ones used to see if a dog as the killer drive) as stolen pets.

As for Gaza, people in the US have simply learned to tune it out. Fighting has been going on over that shitty little strip of land since before the US even existed, and will probably continue long after we’re gone. You have two religious factions who both believe they have an absolute right, sent down from their invisible man in the sky, to that shitty chunk of land. Until one of the invisible men gives up the land, the killing and maiming will never end. So to most, it’s pointless to get outraged about it because no matter how much is done it’s not going to get better there without devine intervention, which as an atheist I don’t see happening.

Finally, for Mr Oinkers, sucks to be you. During the survival of the fittest segment in history you should have evolved into something that tasted like crap, not something that tasted as amazing as bacon, ham and pork chops. You’ve got the trifecta of goodness, so no matter what you’re done for. In seriousness, in this society there are animals we consider livestock, and there are animals we consider pets. Both are protected from cruelty, but one is going to be killed because most humans eat meat.