NAACP Finally speaks out regarding Michael Vick.

Gotcha. I see where you’re coming from.

There a lot to hate about this dogfighting case though, when compared to fighting in nature.

  1. In nature, you don’t electrocute/drown/hang/throw to the ground repeatedly until dead the animals who don’t meet your fighting standards.

  2. In nature, animals generally don’t fight to the death when they are equally matched. A bear eats a salmon, a cheetah eats a gazelle. For the prey, it’s over pretty quickly. Rarely is it large bear vs large bear in a fight to the death, and when one bear loses he isn’t electrocuted by the other woodland creatures.

  3. Though it hasn’t been officially charged in this case, generally dogfighting gets their bait animals (the ones used to see if a dog as the killer drive) as stolen pets.

As for Gaza, people in the US have simply learned to tune it out. Fighting has been going on over that shitty little strip of land since before the US even existed, and will probably continue long after we’re gone. You have two religious factions who both believe they have an absolute right, sent down from their invisible man in the sky, to that shitty chunk of land. Until one of the invisible men gives up the land, the killing and maiming will never end. So to most, it’s pointless to get outraged about it because no matter how much is done it’s not going to get better there without devine intervention, which as an atheist I don’t see happening.

Finally, for Mr Oinkers, sucks to be you. During the survival of the fittest segment in history you should have evolved into something that tasted like crap, not something that tasted as amazing as bacon, ham and pork chops. You’ve got the trifecta of goodness, so no matter what you’re done for. In seriousness, in this society there are animals we consider livestock, and there are animals we consider pets. Both are protected from cruelty, but one is going to be killed because most humans eat meat.


Finally, for Mr Oinkers, sucks to be you. During the survival of the fittest segment in history you should have evolved into something that tasted like crap, not something that tasted as amazing as bacon, ham and pork chops. You’ve got the trifecta of goodness, so no matter what you’re done for.


:lol::lol: :lol:


we slaughter thousands of animals a day, fighting to the death occurs in nature everywhere :bloated:

i’m not saying i support it, or i think its humane, but jesus the hipocracy runs deep here



Well. I agree that animals are 100% innocent, but so are hundreds of kids blown apart in the gaza strip.

Also, i am not huge into promoting veganism, but the conditions that your breakfast went through was probably worse than the conditions any of those dogs went through.

Just sayin.

Then someone will say that dogs have a personality and pigs don’t.

And then i can cite a ton of examples that prove otherwise, but it’s a lost cause.



+1 for sure. I also agree that Vick shouldn’t be treated this way. Society as a whole is most likely sick of seeing sports figures that kids and adults alike look up to and watch them in the spotlight of the courts.

People think just because they are pro athletes they have to be perfect members of society. They are human and will take part in things that regular people do every day. Society just needs to accept that.

That doesn’t change the hipocracy of it all. Saying that “pigs taste good” is hardly any sort of justification.

I am not saying that it’s not fucked up, but it’s funny to see what causes people get behind. I’m not perfect, by any means… it just seems that there are bigger fish to fry, so to speak.


Well. I agree that animals are 100% innocent, but so are hundreds of kids blown apart in the gaza strip.

Also, i am not huge into promoting veganism, but the conditions that your breakfast went through was probably worse than the conditions any of those dogs went through.


they really do need to learn how to treat that bagel humanely…

You want perspective?..

It is legal for Michael Vick’s bitches and hos to get abortions but, it is illegal for Michael to bet on dog fights.

God bless the US of A where dogs have more rights than defenseless children.

who cares let the fuck fry

Well, he does have the right to innocence before guilt, but that is only valid in the courts, and he is getting that right. He hasn’t been convicted without a trial, so the NAACP best pipe down. The same media coverage would occur if he was white, brown, purple or green. He is a celebrity accused of crimes against americas most beloved pet.

How the hell did pro-life get into this thread?

the thing that people are missing is the FBI has a 98-99% conviction rates in an indictments that it makes… he is guilty, they really don’t fuck around when it comes to spending a shit load of money on its case

its up state, do you expect some country bumpkin opinion to come into play.


How the hell did pro-life get into this thread?


loosing a fight? whip out the dead baby card, gets em every time…

but mr. abortions whould be illegal will also be the first to complain when those parents sign up for welfare and social services :bloated:


Finally, for Mr Oinkers, sucks to be you. During the survival of the fittest segment in history you should have evolved into something that tasted like crap, not something that tasted as amazing as bacon, ham and pork chops. You’ve got the trifecta of goodness, so no matter what you’re done for.


Hell I’ll eat your pet dog, cat, squirrel, girlfriend, you name it just throw on some bbq sauce. They are animals, we kill them everyday, in and out. Is it bad and wrong in our society’s eye? Yes. Is me owning a gun bad and wrong in our society? Some would lead you to say yes. Is our society right? No, fuck it. Thats why I hate most people, even your girlfriend. Anyways let go build a huge fire and have a nyspeed pig roast, who is with me?

Just remember kiddies, ignorance is bliss.
If this upsets you, then just don’t do it personally, what give you the right to control others? I don’t like candy, should I prevent the entire world from eating it?

Open your mouth please, I need to pee.



loosing a fight? whip out the dead baby card, gets em every time…

but mr. abortions whould be illegal will also be the first to complain when those parents sign up for welfare and social services :bloated:


So the answer is death if you are going to need welfare but we should save the dogs?

I refuse to read the rest of your post because you used the word “write” when you should’ve said “right”.

Since when is livestock made to fight to the death, then tortured and hung/drowned/shot/electrocuted if it loses?

If we’re going to make comparisons, then lets keep it equal.

But why bother making comparisons? There will ALWAYS be a bigger fight, but why should that keep people from choosing smaller victories?

Sure I’m more outraged at Michael Vick’s dog torturing than the fighting on the Gaza strip. Why wouldn’t I be?
-My best friend is a dog
-Dogs are innocent
-Dogs cannot fight back
-This fight, meaning the people against Michael Vick, can be won

You can call me a hypocrite if you want, but I am not ashamed that I have a more passionate response to an issue more personal to me. I’m not going to lie and say that I care more about fighting between 2 religious groups on the other side of the world than I do about an American public figure taking part in the torturing of animals. As much as I don’t want to quote Jay Z :hang:
“There’s much bigger problems in the world, I know. But first I have to take care of the world I know.” The world of animals is a lot closer to me than the world of fighting Middle Easterners.

Granted all of this is lip service anyhow, because be it dog fighting or violence in the Middle East, it’s all beyond our personal control and all we’re really arguing is over who gets to feel more virtuous for responding with indignation to which issue. :cjerk:


People think just because they are pro athletes they have to be perfect members of society. They are human and will take part in things that regular people do every day.


What regular people beat their dog’s head into the ground man? :lol:

I mean, there’s like being drunk in an interview, and there’s muzzling Fido and using him for canine target practice…


Since when is livestock made to fight to the death, then tortured and hung/drowned/shot/electrocuted if it loses?


if they’re lucky

Chickens are electrocuted to kill them. Often it doesn’t work. Then their feathers are steamed off. Often times, they emerge from the steamers alive. Then their heads are cut off.

Trust me, the lives of the dogs were probably far more humane than your last meal.

No shit. I don’t want to believe you, but something tells me you’ve done your homework. Is electrocution common in the meat industry?

Bottom line, I don’t want to see any animal tortured, but it doesn’t mean I don’t want any killed. If chickens are being tortured to make my chicken wings, they need to find a more humane way to kill them, even if it means paying a few more bucks for wings. I know from time to time you see an expose about the conditions at some livestock processing plant that are horrible, but usually it’s because they’re breaking the law.

Unfortunately the groups fighting for animal rights often don’t make the distinction between legitimate slaughter for food and torture. To them, any method of death is bad because we should all be living off salad. I’m sorry, but I don’t feel bad eating wings if step 1 involved cutting the chicken’s head off. I would feel bad if the death part was step 10, and the 9 steps prior to that were painful. At least until that first glorious, spicy, crispy wing hits my lips and I forget about the chicken it came from. But yeah, I’d feel bad in that 15 minutes between placing my order and the food coming.

Not sure how much I believe coming from PETA, but here’s info on two ways to kill chickens:
A little more info

So see, no need for outrage about the plight of chicken kind. We’ve already found a way to kill them kindly, and then eat them for dinner.