NAACP Finally speaks out regarding Michael Vick.

Well, this is way more fucked:

Also, please note that i am by no means an avid PeTA supporter…

Lovely article Jay. Yeah, I don’t believe anything put out by PETA. Sure, asphyxiation by nitrogen would be relatively painless, but it’s funny that they’re trying to claim that purchasing 150 shares of Dominoes is “taking action.” There have been 255,000 shares of Dominoes traded just today. :lol:

I’ll have to check it when I get home.


[quote=“Chicken: The Dangerous Transformation of America’s Favorite Food
by Steve Striffler”]
According to Striffler, “The chickens have already passed through the scalding hot water and have been electrocuted, a process designed to both kill the bird and begin the cleaning.” But in addition to passing harmful microbes from bird to bird, the water, he says, “doesn’t do a particularly good job of killing the chickens: one out of every twenty seems to make it through alive. The birds are in their last stages of life when they reach Javier.”

This strange account led me to contact Striffler. Was he saying that some birds actually emerge from the scald tank alive, and that the number of such birds is so high that Tyson actually pays a guy to sit on a stool and stab them to death? Instead of the scald tank (which is not electrified), was he not referring to the pre-slaughter electrified waterbath “stun” cabinet from which the live birds emerge paralyzed and semi-paralyzed to be met by a mechanical and/or manual neck-cutter? Striffler emailed me back on December 6, 2005: “My understanding is that the water contains an electrical current [and] that some birds do manage to make it through the process alive - indeed, they looked alive and were moving, and Javier was there to finish the killing process. . . . He was stabbing the chickens. . . . He was not slicing their necks.”

For verification I contacted former Tyson chicken slaughter plant worker Virgil Butler and animal scientist Temple Grandin, both of whom said it’s not possible for chickens to emerge alive from the scald tank, which is the final phase of a process that begins with live hanging, followed by immersion in cold salted electrified water (which is not intended to electrocute, i.e., kill, the birds, but to paralyze the muscles of their feather follicles so their feathers will come out more easily after they’re dead), neck-cutting, and bleed out. What does happen, however, is that many birds are still alive following the bleed-out phase (Striffler indicates one out of every twenty above), and these birds are plunged into scalding water, a fact statistically recorded each year by the US Department of Agriculture which undoubtedly underestimates the true number of what the department calls “redskins.” In an affidavit signed on January 30, 2003, Virgil Butler wrote that when chickens are scalded alive, they “flop, scream, kick, and their eyeballs pop out of their heads. They often come out of the other end with broken bones and disfigured and missing body parts because they’ve struggled so much in the tank.” And this is after they’ve been electrically shocked, mechanically throat-sliced, and manually stabbed.

So, who wants some chicken now!

:eyebrow: They electrocute them before they kill them? :wtf: The article mentions Tyson. Has Tyson addressed this, do other chicken slaughter houses do the same thing?

“I may only have one share but I get to vote same as anyone. And I’m voting against the cat-hater.”

Futurama nerds will get this.

:lol: I’m still chuckling at them trying to say that buying 150 shares was done to gain some pull with Dominoes. That’s not called “action.” That’s called “investing.”

Treated in what way? Like someone that most likely committed something illegal and was federally indicted for it?

I know I’m personally not “sick” of seeing famous people/sports figures in the spotlight for this kind of stuff, if they do something that’s fucking retarded/illegal then they deserve a penalty just like every other person.

What I am sick of however is famous people getting off for shit they SHOULD get punished for, that’s what I’m sick of.

Last time I checked eating candy wasn’t illegal or inhumane, so that’s a shity analogy. Obviously no one was “controlling” Michael Vick when he was supposedly committing what he was indicted for, but it seems you’re implying he should be able to do whatever he wants without consequence? So hypothetically I should be aloud to kill my neighbor or something if I wake up and feel like it one day right?

For the rest of the stuff in this thread, most normal people don’t eat dogs (domestic pets) like they do livestock (cows, chickens etc). Therefore I would say I’m less sympathetic about something I eat and isn’t my personal domestic pet. But back to the main point eating livestock isn’t illegal like dog fighting is now is it?

But killing someone is far more illegal, yes? Yet dogfighting is america’s big cause?

That’s also ridiculous that they cannot figure out a humane, foolproof way of killing a bird. :tdown:

Why don’t you go downtown and setup a protest against murder. It might make the news, but the angle will be, “Crazy guy protests crime that is already illegal and prosecuted all the time”.

Or, maybe you’re refering to Gaza murders. As has already been discussed, American’s generally don’t care about crimes committed outside their border. You call it insensitive, I call it accepting reality.

i’d personally kill every dog i saw if it meant saving one life of someone i’ve never met.

All of us know killing a person is far more illegal, it was an example I gave to reinforce his “people should be aloud to do whatever they want” attitude.

I think the OP of that quote was implying that we as a “society” should leave Michael Vick and other people that do stupid/illegal shit alone. I don’t know about you or anyone else but it doesn’t make much sense to me

Lastly I don’t think I said or implied dog fighting is America’s biggest cause, but it’s sure as hell not right as far as a lot of people are concerned (besides being illegal).

Fighting, abuse and murder of domestic pets hits home a lot harder than the slaughter of a cow or pig so I can eat. Being a Vegan you may not agree with the slaughter of livestock, that’s fine you’re entitled to your own beliefs. I don’t really care if you call that hypocrisy that’s how I am, and I know a lot of other people are the same way.

:picard: This thread has gone to the dogs.

We can save it still. Ill give it my best.

If I was black, the NAACP would make me embarrassed to be black

My comments were not written in order to portray that anyone can do anything they want to. It was more based on the fact that everyone in this country in completely engulfed in a somewhat minor illegal act. One thing you say is that since it’s against the law he should be charged. Have you ever stopped and thought that a law was bullshit? How many laws where created by self righteous pretentious assholes? In some states it’s illegal to have anal sex, if your girl offered would you stop and say “Awh shit babe that’s against the law”? Every go over the speed limit? If you were prosecuted every time you did how long would you have your license? I know mine wouldn’t last one hour. Maybe if our country took some incentive to stop deaths around the world, as newman brought up, rather then spend what (maybe millions on this vic coverage) the rest of the world may not want to blow us up. Sometimes I think that the world is a joke, then I stop and realize everyone is completely serious, and I contemplate what would happen if people actually had to think on their own. 75% of society would instantly died/collapse. (That’s a fact)

Let’s take a look at it this was. Your living in a 3rd world country, 12 years old, and your entire family has been murdered. Your country desperately asks for help from anyone out there to stop this insane act of cruelty. You go on living though, because if you don’t you die. At the age of 16 you get your hands on a radio. You hear news coming from American, maybe they will be coming to help you! Instead you hear how they invest their money on a football player who was mistreating some dogs. America can’t come help you though because it would cost far too much money and too many lives. Later in life you see a bulbous obese American on TV eating a steak, chicken wings and pizza, crying about how people hurt animals. (Ironic that he is eating lots a good expensive food, as you ponder where you can find some grubs to eat for dinner.) Fuck I’d want to blow that shit up too.

But I’m a crazy, far from perfect, hypocritical individual with twisted thoughts of reality.

Oh and I used to be black, but I switched to being white so I can eat Pierogis.

As we’ve already stated, as a country we basically don’t care what happens outside our borders, for lots of reasons. Some of those reason are valid, some are callous, but it’s a fact that we generally don’t care.

I personally would nuke the entire Gaza strip to save my dog.

can we really be every country’s superhero though? whos gonna give up their paycheck to help these people? Do you donate money to help them?

Private media covers anything thats juicy. Middle-East wars have been being covered in the Media ever since they started. They cover it, they give it tons of publicity, but who is gonna give up their cash to pay for the solution?

we have enough problems in the US that need to be dealt with before we can play superhero and fix all the rest of the world’s problems.

Dogfighting is inhumane and cruel. We slaughter cows and pigs out of neccessity, we gotta eat and we are higher on the food chain, so we slaughter them for food. No different then snakes eating mice. But Michael Vick, who is already a rich motherfucker finds it neccessary to raise dogs for the sole purpose to kill them and make money off of them? that is some fucked up repugnant shit right there. And this is a much larger problem in the US then it might appear to be. Ive heard of it being a problem in our area as well.