Nagin remarks on NY

After taking shots for moving too slow in rebuilding New Orleans from critics in NY, Ray Nagin had some interesting remarks.

While I think its a little harsh, he has a point, it’s been 5 years since the attack and we still don’t have anything even being built there.

cause no one can decide what they want there…its nice flat level ground now

Seen “when the leeves break” ?

There are some nice comparisons to Katrina and 9/11 in there. A couple buildings vs. a whole city? Doesn’t take much to figure out who has the bigger job.

Apples and oranges.

It’s just like the god damn peace bridge…

actually its not flat… its very much still under construction. its still a mess IMO
and i saw this story on the news last night.

t up

The first thing they teach you in bad manager school is how to shift the spotlight off yourself.

As was evident during Katrina, he got to be mayor because he was black, not because he was qualified. And to think he would just magically become qualified post disaster was just wishful thinking.

My mouth is still watering over the prospects of a chocolate New Orleans. Yum. Augustus Gloop better have left some room for later…

the shear fact that he was re-elected is reason enough to abandon the city.

The whole rebuilding thing pisses me off. The fact is the damn city is below sea level, on the coast, in the direct path of hurricanes. I’m sorry, but that is not a good investment of tax dollars.

^ exactly

fuck him

He is a tool, and a racist tool at that.

straw huts for everyone


all hope is lost

You also have to realize it was built by the French.